Your Cholesterol Level, If You Eat Avocado Every Day

According to a study from the University of Pennsylvania, the unsaturated fatty acids in avocados could help stabilize cholesterol levels to prevent clogged blood vessels. This is just one thing that happens when you eat avocado every day.
Your cholesterol level if you eat avocado every day

Many people are worried about their  cholesterol  levels. Cholesterol can accumulate in the bloodstream, creating more cardiovascular problems and putting your health at risk. But what happens to your cholesterol levels if you eat avocado every day?

Cholesterol performs a necessary role in bodily functions to make important organs function optimally. Poor diet can cause cholesterol levels to rise to dangerous levels.

One of the most worrying things is that it can be difficult to detect at first.

Millions are thought to suffer from high cholesterol without even knowing it.

The good news is that dietary changes and a healthy lifestyle can be one of the best solutions. It keeps cholesterol levels under control and reduces your risks.

A study published by the American Heart Association revealed that it is also good if you eat avocado every day.

The investigation…


Researchers at Penn State University suggested replacing saturated fatty acids found in most diets with unsaturated fats that you get when you eat avocado.

In the last few years, people have been advised to eat monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease caused by high cholesterol.

Saturated fatty acids raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of blocked  arteries  and deadly diseases such as heart attacks and blood clots.

Researchers have evaluated the effects of avocados on risk factors for cardiovascular disease,  and know that they are one of the fruits found with the most unsaturated fatty acids.

To achieve their results, they replaced saturated fats in the diet of 45 healthy patients, who were overweight or obese, aged between 21 and 70 years.

The volunteers started eating a diet high in saturated fat for two weeks.

Then followed three types of diet in which the amount of saturated fat was reduced:

  • A low-fat diet, without avocados
  • A moderately low-fat diet, without avocados
  • A moderately high-fat diet and one avocado a day

Also read: Important tips to recover from heart attacks

The results…

Cholesterol in the blood

After completing their analysis, the researchers determined that  LDL cholesterol levels were reduced by including an avocado daily in their diet.

In total, the figure was reduced by 13.5 mg / dl, compared to 8.3 mg / dl in those who ate a moderate fat diet without avocado, or 7.4 mg / dl in a low-fat diet.

They also found that eating avocado has a positive effect on cholesterol and triglyceride.

Also read: 6 Surprising Foods With Bad Cholesterol

The conclusions…

After seeing the surprising results, the researchers stressed the importance of more studies being needed to determine if these effects were the same in other populations.

However, they showed that unsaturated fats in avocados could constitute a heart-friendly diet especially supported by nutritious diets.   

Healthy fats, micronutrients and bioactive components in avocados are responsible for these important cardiovascular benefits.

Penny Kris Etherton, one of the researchers, has assured that she would like to continue research to determine more precisely what bioactive components are contained in avocado, along with their effects on the body.

You will be healthy if you eat avocado

Despite the fact that avocados have had a bad reputation for several years due to their high content of calories and fat, they are  right now considered to be one of the most complete and healthy foods available.   They can be added to your daily diet, always in moderation.

In addition to the good fats already mentioned, this popular fruit also contains fiber, vitamin E, vitamin B, folic acid and  more than twice as much potassium as in bananas.

Are you afraid of getting high cholesterol? Make a few diet changes  and start eating avocado daily to keep your cholesterol levels in check.

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