What Should I Do If My Baby Hits His Head?

If you have a baby, it is possible that they may fall while playing. Even if you are careful, it is normal for children to strike. Help your baby avoid these incidents.
What should I do if my baby hit his head?

My baby hit his head and I do not know what to do! This is more common than you might think.

Childhood is the time when babies take the most risks. This is very worrying for the parents. Since we cannot control every single one of our baby’s movements, they are exposed to certain risks. Therefore, it is normal for them to injure themselves at that age and you need to know how to avoid it.

Babies are innocent by nature. They are not aware of the dangers around them. They stumble easily over furniture and do not see toys on the floor. The risky stage is usually between six months and four years when the child begins to discover the world more independently.

This may sound familiar: “My baby hit his head hard and now it will not stop crying.” A blow to the head can be serious, depending on the circumstances and the child’s symptoms.

It is important to know where the dangerous areas in your home are. That way, you can help prevent your child from falling and hitting himself.

My baby hit his head: How do I help?

Now that you know how susceptible your child is to beating himself, it is important that you know what kind of action to take. Most accidents cause only superficial injuries to the head such as bruises, wounds and pain in which they were hit.

Girl crying

The steps to follow are very easy:

  • First, find a place of peace and quiet.
  • Lift your head while applying ice wrapped in a towel to the area where they were hit.
  • Then give them some water to reduce the possibility of vomiting.
  • The most important thing is to be calm and reassure your child. It will help you take better control of the situation.
  • Depending on the type and intensity of the blow, you can also use some additional methods.

What to do with cuts

If they have an incision, wash the wound with clean water. If an object was damaged by the accident, check that there are no pieces left in the wound.

Boy with cuts on his forehead

To stop the bleeding, use a piece of bandage moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Dab it on the area. If it is a deep incision, it may require stitches, so you will need to go to the emergency room.

What to do about bruises?

If your child gets bruises, the procedure is simpler, but requires just as much care and attention.

When applying ice to the area, reduce the size of bruises or swelling. If the size and inflammation worsens, it is best to go to the doctor. This will help you prevent major problems.

Symptoms you need to take care of

Blows to the head are one of the most serious injuries for both children and adults. Since your head contains your brain, it is important to see how your child feels hours after the accident.

One of the symptoms you need to watch out for is drowsiness. Many people believe that you should not let your child sleep after hitting his head.

However, do not let them stay awake. If it’s time to sleep, let them sleep. When they wake up, see if they behave normally.

Baby hit his head and is being checked by a doctor

Nausea, blurred vision or disorientation are other symptoms to watch out for. These situations need to be closely monitored and you need to keep track of their frequency.

Check if they have numbness in the extremities or if they have a headache. This may be the result of some type of cerebrovascular injury.

If any of these symptoms occur, see your doctor. The doctor must assess the child’s level of consciousness and general condition. By carefully reviewing this, he will determine what tests are needed, such as radiography, to evaluate the possibility of brain damage.


It is important to note that if your child’s general condition worsens, go to the hospital. It is crucial whether this happens immediately or within 48 hours of the accident.

Remember that if you want to prevent your child from having this type of accident, look at their playground and the areas where they spend a lot of time. Remember that they are children and that they do not think about the surroundings and the dangers that may be.

And if someone says, “My child has hit his head,” you now know how to help the other worried mother.

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