What Are Transparent Braces?

Transparent braces are innovative tools for orthodontics. They are very attractive because they are more aesthetic than regular hangers. In this article you can read all about them!
What are transparent braces?

Transparent braces are devices for orthodontics, which consist of transparent braces that are used to straighten the teeth. They are very innovative and attractive because  they are more aesthetic than traditional braces,  which typically cover most of the tooth. But what exactly are they? What are the benefits of them? Find out in this article!

What is braces?

Orthodontics is a branch of dental care that studies, prevents and treats abnormal size, location and shape of one’s teeth and jaw.

It aims to correct these changes  to achieve optimal oral health and harmony between the smile and proper placement of the teeth.

Dentists usually use various tools to correct teeth. The most common devices are hangers. These are structures of metal or ceramic that dentists put on their teeth in order to correct their position.

Above them  , dentists put different types of metal wires of different thicknesses. These metal wires allow patients to move their teeth as they create frictional forces with the braces.

Thanks to scientific advantages, orthodontics has evolved a lot and dentists have managed to perform these movements through invisible braces which are put on the teeth. You practically do not notice them.

Woman to dentist

What are transparent braces?

They are an orthodontic treatment that uses  invisible braces called braces. To plan this treatment, dentists must first make a shape of the patient’s teeth, as well as a 3D representation of the teeth and a computer-generated model of the current and desired position of the teeth.

The rails are made of thermoplastic material that is 0.5 mm thick, which means they are barely noticeable. To help move the teeth, in addition to the transparent braces, dentists put small transparent balls, called splinters, on the teeth.

The splinters help the rails achieve the movements they need to make. They need to be replaced with other rails after 10 to 15 days. In addition, treatment varies from between four months to two years,  depending on the degree of correction that the patient needs.

It is important to know that this type of braces can not solve all problems. It is recommended for minor corrections,  correction of rotation, etc. Dentists recommend traditional braces for people who require many corrections.

Benefits of transparent braces

  • It is a very aesthetic treatment.
  • They avoid friction, wounds and damage that traditional hangers and metal wires can cause. It is thus a more comfortable treatment for patients.
  • It allows better hygiene. Patients must remove their braces before brushing their teeth, allowing them to brush their teeth as normal as if they did not have a brace. It is more troublesome to brush with traditional braces, resulting in the accumulation of plaque on the gums, causing gingivitis and often irritation of the gums.
  • Dentists make the braces using a shape of the patient’s teeth, which means that the  treatment is completely personalized.
  • By allowing better hygiene, patients have less risk of cavities, gingivitis and discoloration.
  • For small corrections, transparent braces achieve the same results as traditional braces. In some cases, the results may actually be faster than with traditional hangers.
Woman uses transparent braces

Disadvantages of transparent braces

  • Patients should walk with the rails for at least 20 hours a day  to achieve the desired effects. They should only remove them before eating and brushing teeth.
  • If the patient does not use the splint due to forgetfulness, the treatment may take longer and this may even aggravate the condition.
  • Patients who cut teeth wear the braces faster, which means they have to change them more often.
  • Transparent braces are  more expensive than traditional braces.

Both children and adults can use this treatment. You should always keep in mind that  orthodontics is a secondary treatment for other oral disorders,  which means that you must first get cavities fixed, teeth cleaning, root canals and other oral health problems.


Transparent braces are innovative tools for orthodontics. They allow  patients to achieve the desired results and ensure improved aesthetics and well-being.

By predicting treatment with 3D software, dentists can be much more precise in their treatment, allowing them to control the patient’s development much more.

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