Treatments And Prevention Of Hemorrhoids

When you suffer from hemorrhoids, the liver is often overloaded due to overeating, which acts as a trigger for other problems. Dandelion is a cleansing medicinal plant that removes accumulated toxins from the liver and kidneys.
Treatments and prevention of hemorrhoids

Treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids: They are very unpleasant and can be extremely painful. Many people die all too often with this disorder and in many cases in silence.

In this article, we will review some simple and all-natural tips for preventing hemorrhoids and treating them quickly without any side effects.

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins or an inflammation of the veins in the rectum and anus. Everyone has these veins, but they only become a problem when they dilate and swell up. In some cases, they may even protrude from the rectum.

This inflammation causes itching, pain, and in some cases bleeding.

More than half of all people over the age of 30 often suffer from this unpleasant problem, although help is usually only sought if there is great pain or bleeding.

Several factors can be the cause of this health problem such as constipation, a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy or obesity. There are also many people who suffer from a congenital weak body tissue, which also affects the sphincter.

Woman who is pregnant

The basic treatment to naturally avoid and treat hemorrhoids is based on eating a diet consisting of plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in water and fiber. You need to be careful with processed foods and increase your intake of legumes, whole grains and seeds.

It is important to drink plenty of water between meals, as a high-fiber diet requires a lot of water to be properly digested.

You should also start exercising every day, especially if you have a very sedentary job.

If you feel like going to the bathroom, do not wait. Although there are many who do not want to go to the toilet outside their home, by staying you can make constipation worse.

Next, we will explain some natural remedies to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

In addition to eating healthy, you can include some of these foods that help get rid of feces and reduce pain and irritation:

  • Psyllium: Also known as Plantago, is a natural source of soluble and insoluble fiber that regulates the intestines. Take it with a large glass of water before breakfast or dinner.
  • Agar: This algae, which is used to make gelatin, improves intestinal function. You can use it for all kinds of desserts or to thicken your dishes.
  • Flaxseed: Flaxseed is a remedy for constipation. Before going to bed, add a teaspoon of flaxseed to a glass of water and let it stand overnight. Drink the water the next morning, including the flaxseeds, before eating breakfast. Wait at least 15 minutes before eating.

When you suffer from hemorrhoids, the liver is often overloaded due to overeating. Which acts as a trigger for other problems.

Dandelion is a cleansing medicinal plant that removes accumulated toxins from the liver and kidneys.

Take three infusions of this herb daily until your symptoms get better.

You can also take it in a homeopathic way. Taraxacum officinale ( three tablets under the tongue, three times daily. Without food or strong flavors like menthol in toothpaste and chewing gum).

Person drinking water

Applying very cold water directly to the anal area will provide an immediate relief from the pain that the hemorrhoids cause.

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