Treat Your Cough, Allergy Or Flu With Onions

Are you struggling with another cold this winter? Learn how to use onions to treat your cough, allergies and flu. 
Treat your cough, allergy or flu with onions

Treat your cough, allergy or flu with onions, read more in this article. Are you struggling with another cold this winter? Has the flu gripped you? Are you sick and tired of the annoying allergies? Learn how to take advantage of the amazing benefits of onions to treat your coughs, allergies and flu.

Changing the seasons can weaken your body’s immune system and increase the risk of getting the flu or other respiratory diseases, especially during cold weather. Although these disorders are common and easy to treat, they almost always trigger a range of symptoms that prevent you from performing your daily activities.

And while there are plenty of products and treatments that can speed up your healing, you may want to resort to some homemade remedies to control your symptoms.

Fortunately, they are easy to make and typically contain ingredients that are available during any season.

Today we would like to share an interesting treatment that can be made with onions. Believe it or not, this flavorful vegetable can actually help relieve coughs, allergies and all kinds of breathing difficulties.

Treat the flu with onions

Try it!

The amazing benefits of onions

Woman drinking tea

Onions are a very well-known vegetable that has been used for centuries. Appreciated for its nutritional content , this food is found in hundreds of culinary and medicinal recipes.

Onions have a high concentration of sulfur, which – in addition to its unique taste – also gives it antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which are useful in the treatment of many different diseases.

Onions also contain large amounts of vitamins A and C, which are important for strengthening your immune system and helping fight pathogens that adversely affect your health.

This also improves the health of your skin, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders and promotes the optimal functioning of your body’s excretory system.

Red onion

In addition, onions have an interesting diuretic effect, which relieves the retention of fluids that can cause your tissues to become inflamed.

It is also an interesting treatment against respiratory infections thanks to its expectorants and anti-inflammatory effects, which reduce throat irritation, cough and congestion.

Due to its high content of essential nutrients , it helps reduce the incidence of viruses and bacteria related to influenza, tonsillitis and asthma.

Finally, onions contain antihistamine compounds that block the substances that trigger allergic reactions.

How to make a natural onion treatment

Medical treatment

This onion preparation is an antibiotic treatment that you can use to relieve common respiratory diseases.

It will reduce the symptoms that make you feel sick while battling the organisms that are causing the disease at the same time.

Because it nourishes the healthy bacteria in the gut, taking this drug can improve the response of your immune system and create a protective barrier against future attacks.


  • 3 onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • The juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g, optional)


  • Peel the onions and cut them into several pieces.
  • Add them to a blender along with the juice of one lemon and two cloves of garlic.
  • Once you have a thick paste, press it through a cloth to sift the juice.
  • If you notice that the consistency is too thick, add a few tablespoons of water and blend again.
  • Once you have made this treatment, store it in a glass container for 24 hours.
  • You can sweeten it with the optional tablespoon of honey when you ingest it.

Consumption method

  • At the first sign of respiratory illness, take one tablespoon of this treatment every four hours.
  • When you notice that your symptoms are getting better, take two tablespoons a day.
  • As a preventative measure, you can consume a tablespoon on an empty stomach.

Benefits other than treating the flu with onions

Red onion

Although the main purpose of this natural remedy is to treat problems associated with respiratory diseases, its properties also make it a great boost to your overall health.

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Therefore, this treatment can also help with:

  • Protecting your cardiovascular and circulatory systems
  • Relief of joint and muscle pain
  • Avoidance of urinary tract infections
  • Prevention of intestinal and digestive problems
  • Fighting skin infections, along with fungus and warts
  • Treatment of burns and superficial wounds
  • Reduction of menstrual cramps
  • Elimination of blemishes on the skin
  • Slight ear pain

Remember when treating the flu with onions!

It is important to understand that the effects of this treatment vary from person to person, depending on the disease and the response of the immune system.

It can be used as an alternative treatment or as a supplement to medications designed to control these symptoms.

Do not take more than the recommended amount, as it can also have negative side effects.

Have you tried treating the flu with onions?

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