Tips And Tricks For Treating Dry Hair

Is your hair dry, damaged or brittle? Then this article is just for you! Learn how to treat dry hair naturally in this article. 
Tips and tricks for treating dry hair

Dry hair is a nightmare for many around the world. We are not just talking about women. Men also have this problem.

After all, who does not want to have beautiful, shiny, full and nourished hair?

Many people do not know what actually causes dry hair. This is because each situation is very unique.

It can be caused by very harmful or radical beauty treatments, gels, dehydration or chlorine in swimming pools. These include dyeing, smoothing or blow-drying.

The good news is that no matter what the cause of the problem, there are always solutions. Check them out in this article and choose your favorite option. They will let you get full and shiny hair that is full of life.

Apply an avocado treatment

Avocado is one of the ingredients that have really beneficial effect on dry hair

Avocados are one of the first ingredients you can use to nourish dry hair.

This fruit provides an explosion of vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. These help your hair to look more shiny and be both hydrated and healthy.


  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


  • Mash the avocado with a pestle and mortar or in a bowl with a spoon. To make the process easier , we recommend using a very ripe avocado.
  • Add olive oil and mix well.
  • When you get a smooth cream, apply it on your hair with a mild massage. If you have very long hair, you can use a comb to help you.
  • Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash it out as you usually do.

Replace your conditioner with coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the best remedies for treating weak, dry hair. This oil gives your hair many vitamins and minerals.

If your hair starts to dry out, you can apply a coconut oil treatment once a week.

If your hair is very dry or mistreated, stop using your commercial conditioner for a few days. Use instead of coconut oil.

Another option is to put something in your hair before going to bed. Then cover your hair with a bathrobe or towel to avoid spreading on your pillow. Let it work all night.

The next day, wash your hair as you always do.

Use natural shampoos or those with the least number of chemicals

Have you read the list of ingredients in your shampoo? Even though you may not believe it, commercial shampoos are usually filled with chemicals. These can cause dry hair.

It does not matter if you are a boy or a girl or any kind of hair you have. It is always a good idea to choose natural shampoos made on a smooth herbal basis.

Some people usually do not like them because they do not foam enough. However, this is normal. In fact, the foam is not natural unless you add certain chemicals.

The result you are looking for is a pure feeling.

Natural shampoos may cost a little more, but it’s worth it. But if you look for them at natural product stores, you will find the best prices.

Use an argan oil, olive oil and vitamin E treatment

Argan oil is known for its hydrating properties. It also strengthens and repairs your hair as well as brings it back to life thanks to its omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.

Similarly, olive oil has a high amount of vitamin C and vitamin E. These nourish and heal your hair naturally thanks to their natural antioxidants.

The other ingredients in this treatment reduce the effects of dry hair and protect it from future abuse.


  • 5 capsules of vitamin E.
  • 2 tablespoons argan oil
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  • Empty the vitamin E capsules into a good container.
  • Add the two oils, mix well. Then moisten your hair and apply the treatment.
  • Let it work for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual.

Apply this treatment twice a week while your hair is very damaged. Once it starts to look better, you can apply it once a week.

Get the benefits of honey

When you have dry, mistreated and dull hair, there is no better way to repair it than by using honey.

Damaged hair must be filled with important nutrients. That way, it can maintain its luster and silky texture. This is something that honey does perfectly.

If you can not remember anything else or you want more power from your natural shampoo, you can use this natural treatment.


  • Natural honey (the amount depends on how much hair you have)


  • Wet your hair and dry it with a towel.
  • Comb your hair.
  • Apply the honey from the roots to the tips of your hair. Massage it in well.
  • Let it rest for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Apply this treatment once a week.

Fight dry hair

Once your hair has restored its health, do not forget about these remedies.

All the ingredients are easy to find, they are very cheap and completely natural. As a result, you can use them once a week.

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