Three Types Of Wedding Menu For Your Party

It is virtually impossible to please everyone. Therefore, the more variety you have in your wedding menu, the more likely it is that all your guests will be able to enjoy your party.
Three types of wedding menu for your party

There are hundreds of things to keep in mind when planning your wedding day. Invitations, dresses, location, budget, music, etc. Out of all that, your wedding menu is extremely important. In fact, it will be one of the things that your guests will remember the most.

That’s why we’ll show you three menus for your wedding, in this article. We hope that both the menu and the reception will be a success.

The wedding menu

A wedding is not just a meal. On the contrary, it is a very special day. It is undoubtedly full of meaning. It is a unique day, filled with celebration, happiness and good company. In this sense, everything related to this day must also be special.

Therefore, it is a good idea to have a special wedding menu. A wedding is not something that happens every day, so your guests who are dressed so elegantly deserve something elegant, special and exquisite. This applies to everything from the arrangement of tables to cutlery to the dessert that completes the menu.

If you have a tight budget or do not like fine food, do not worry. The important thing is that the wedding reflects you and that it is special.

Choice of wedding menu

Bridal couple with their wedding menu

When choosing the menu, most party venues hold events for the bride and groom to taste different menus. You can also do the same with catering companies.

Before you do this, however, there are certain things you need to think about:

  • Whether it’s dinner or breakfast.
  • Location: Outdoors, at a restaurant, beach, etc.
  • The time of year.
  • Whether you want to offer guests a snack or cocktail before the bride and groom arrive.
  • Waiting times between starter and main course.
  • Guests with needs and preferences (children, adults, food allergies, etc.).
  • The details: Drinks, especially wine, should fit with the menu.

In general, it is important to have a varied wedding menu so that everyone can get the energy they need to have a good time and dance the night away!

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Option 1: An outdoor menu

Bride and groom dancing outside

If you have decided on an outdoor wedding, it is a good option to have a buffet. The concept is to have a large table in the middle, with lots of different dishes on. This way, guests can create their own menu by choosing what they like best.

In this case , it is not a fixed menu. That said, the more dishes there are, the greater the chance of pleasing everyone.

Option 2: A menu of your favorite dishes

A table set up for a wedding menu

If you think it’s impossible to please everyone, it might be best to offer an elegant, original menu with the couple’s favorite dishes.

Your tastes will probably not be so different from those of your friends and family, so everyone will most likely be happy. And if they do not, you can assure your guests that this opportunity was the one that made you extra happy on your special day.

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Wedding Menu 3: A gourmet menu

Chef makes gourmet food

Most restaurants and good catering companies offer different gourmet menus to choose from. With this type of wedding menu, you will definitely show your guests luxury and delicacy.

You will definitely impress your guests with the exquisiteness of the dishes, the beauty of the cutlery and the beautiful set-up. Of course, this will cost a lot more.

With this type of menu , it is important not to forget the details. From wine to dessert, everything should fit together perfectly.

In addition, you can choose menus with variations. That way, you have something for guests with different tastes or allergies.

Make the most of your big day

In any case, the most important thing that your wedding day is just that: Your wedding day. You certainly can not please everyone. Therefore, it is best to focus on your happiness, and do what you can to celebrate your marriage.

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