The Healthiest Foods For The Elderly

The recommended foods for the elderly are those whose nutritional quality helps protect the intestinal flora and reduce inflammation. What foods are these? In this article we will explain everything you should know.
The healthiest foods for the elderly

Some foods are particularly relevant in the diet of the elderly. This population group actually needs to make some changes in their regular diet. With these changes, one can reduce the risk of developing certain disorders while improving the symptoms that come with age. Read on to learn about the healthiest foods for the elderly!

We will tell you about a variety of foods that are essential in the diet of the elderly. However, do not forget that you also need a varied diet. Exercising regularly can also help relieve many of the ailments one experiences.

Yogurt, one of the healthiest foods for the elderly

In old age, the intestinal flora is changed a lot. Its diversity is reduced and its functionality decreases. To improve this process, one should regularly consume yogurt and fermented dairy products. That way  , one will give the body a good amount of probiotics,  which will be responsible for living in the gastrointestinal tract.

Adding this type of food to the diet of the elderly gives you healthier intestines and bone density, according to an article published in the journal  Osteoporosis International.

However, one can not just eat any type of yogurt. It is important to choose those that have been made with milk  but that do not contain added sugar.

Yogurt is an example of good food for the elderly

Apples to improve intestinal flora

Just as your body needs probiotics,  it also needs a portion of soluble fiber  to restore bacterial diversity.

The best food to fulfill this function is the apple. It contains a good amount of pectin, which is a dietary fiber that is able to ferment in the intestines.

As a result of this fermentation , your body gets short-chain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory abilities  and a selective growth of intestinal flora, as seen in a study conducted in 2017.

An effective strategy when one wants to recover his microbiota can be to eat apples and yogurt together. Soluble fibers protect bacteria from stomach acid, allowing them to reach the intestines where they can colonize.

Oily fish twice a week for the elderly

Another essential food in a diet for the elderly is fatty fish. This food contains a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids  with good anti-inflammatory abilities.

Regular consumption of fish is associated with a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is one of the leading causes of death in the First World countries. You should, of course, choose small fish.

Larger fish can contain significant amounts of mercury, which is a metal with neurotoxic potential. In addition, you should avoid frying these fish. Frying destroys omega-3 acids and converts them into trans fats  with inflammatory abilities and health risks.

Elderly people should include fatty fish in their diet at least twice a week. The best cooking method is grilled, baked or steamed. One should eat them with different vegetables instead of foods high in carbohydrates.

Fatty fish are good foods for the elderly

Foods for the elderly: They play an important role

Elderly people undergo a number of changes at a physiological and hormonal level. To reduce the effects of these changes, it is important to make changes in one’s usual diet. It is essential to include foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

One of the changes that experts are most concerned about in old age is the loss of diversity of intestinal flora. This can lead to a deficit in the absorption of certain nutrients as well as a decrease in the production of short-chain fatty acids.

To counteract this effect  , we recommend that you increase your intake of fermented dairy products and soluble fiber. In addition, one can think about the extent to which one should include supplements of probiotics or not.

In order to keep systemic inflammation under control, you should increase your intake of fatty fish. This type of food contains omega-3 fatty acids.

Its anti-inflammatory effect is essential at this stage in life. However, one should avoid eating large fish frequently  as their mercury content can be harmful.

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