The First 8 Symptoms Of Diabetes

If you recognize any of these diabetes symptoms, it is a good idea to go to your doctor and perform the necessary tests to get a correct diagnosis.
The first 8 symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder that affects how your body utilizes glucose in the bloodstream. No matter how it manifests, diabetes means you are building up too much sugar in your blood. The first symptoms of diabetes are important to keep an eye on.

Glucose is a substance that is essential for your health. After all, it is a great source of energy for the cells that make up your muscles and tissues, including your brain.

When your body does not process glucose properly, there can be some serious negative consequences because it disrupts the function of your other organs.

Chronic diabetes includes types 1 and 2. In addition, there are other types of diabetes that are typically reversible, such as diabetes and gestational diabetes.

Since timely detection is the key to successful treatment, today we want to go over the eight initial symptoms of diabetes to help you identify it.

What causes diabetes?

Woman with blood glucose meter

Diabetes occurs when your body does not produce enough insulin or loses its ability to use it properly.

Insulin is a substance produced by the pancreas and its primary function is to reduce the amount of glucose in the bloodstream.

So far , there is no exact explanation for the cause of type 1 diabetes. It may be due to lack of control over the immune system, causing self-destruction of cells that produce insulin in the pancreas.

Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes occur when the cells become resistant to insulin and the pancreas cannot produce enough to counteract this.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can produce a resistance of the body’s cells to insulin. If your pancreas cannot generate the required amount, the glucose will build up in the bloodstream and result in gestational diabetes.

The first symptoms of diabetes

Many of the early symptoms of diabetes can be confused with other diseases. For this reason, it is best to perform the appropriate medical examinations to confirm a diagnosis once they have been observed.

1. Excessive thirst

Woman drinking a glass of water

When glucose is not absorbed properly, its accumulation in the bloodstream can lead to dehydration. This changes your normal saliva production and increases the feeling of thirst.

Frequent urination

Patients with diabetes often have to urinate because their kidneys work harder while trying to filter excess sugar from the bloodstream.

This reduces your ability to break down toxins and can cause other difficulties in the functioning of your urinary system.

3. Sleep disorders

When high blood sugar is not properly controlled in time, a patient may begin to experience constant disturbances in their sleep.

Type 2 diabetes is typically accompanied by insomnia or some form of disruption during rest.

4. Slow healing

Superficial wound

One of the primary signs of diabetes is skin ulcers or lesions that take a long time to heal or are not cured at all.

5. Urinary tract infections

If your body loses its ability to use glucose in the bloodstream, your immune system becomes weak. This as well as the negative effects on your kidneys increase your susceptibility to urinary tract infections.

6. Foot problems

Patients with diabetes should pay close attention to the condition of their feet. This part of the body can experience circulatory problems, fluid retention and a number of other symptoms that cause adverse effects over time.

7. Blurred vision

Woman rubs her eyes - symptoms of diabetes

Dehydration caused by high blood sugar levels can affect the health of your vision. The blood vessels are often damaged and blurred vision may occur.

8. Dry skin

When you develop type 2 diabetes, it can cause circulatory problems that affect the skin. This is why patients often suffer from dry skin or loss of firmness.

How is diabetes diagnosed?

If you suspect you have diabetes, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Getting a timely diagnosis increases the likelihood that your treatment will be able to reduce the negative effects of diabetes on the body.

Your doctor may suggest one of the following tests to confirm whether you have this disease or not:

  • Glycohemoglobin test (A1C). This analysis tracks your average blood sugar level over a period of two or three months.
  • Random blood sugar test.
  • Fasting blood sugar test.
  • Oral  glucose tolerance test.

Once your diagnosis is confirmed, commit to completely improving your lifestyle. Along with prescription medications, this will allow you to have a better quality of life.

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