The Best Tips For Washing Woolen Clothes

Wool clothes are delicate and require special treatment during the washing process. In this article, we share some recommendations on how to do it right.
The best tips for washing woolen clothes

If you have washed woolen clothes without knowing what you did, then you probably know what is happening… If you want to wash woolen clothes without ruining it, you need to know a few tricks for washing woolen clothes.

Today we want to give you the secrets to keeping your wool clothes in perfect condition. With these simple tips, you will have no trouble keeping it clean and in perfect shape.

Wool clothes

Wool is the perfect choice for cold days due to its insulating properties. It keeps you at a constant warm temperature with no humidity. However, this natural fiber is delicate and absorbent, so you need to learn how to handle and wash it properly.

When you do it wrong, washing woolen clothes causes it to shrink and lose its shape.

If you want to maintain its quality, comfort and softness, read these important tips on how to take good care of woolen clothes.

Tips for washing woolen clothes

1. Look at the manufacturer’s label

Knitwear in window sill

First and foremost, pay attention to the manufacturer’s label every time you wash your clothes – whether it’s made of wool or other types of fabric. There you will find the information you need to wash it properly.

You will also find out more about the quality of the fabric.

When it comes to woolen clothes, laundry care is important because it does not all require the same type of cleaning. Some need dry cleaning, while others need to be washed by hand. There is also something you can machine wash.

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2. Wash it properly

Can you wash woolen clothes in a washing machine?

Yes you can.

However, you need to pay attention to the program you choose. Otherwise you’re ruining it.

Some automatic washing machines have a program only for woolen clothes. If yours does not have such a program, choose what is called “delicate” or “washbasin”.

In any case, make sure that the program you choose uses cold water and has low-intensity revs. Hot water shrinks your clothes.

We would also recommend soaking your woolen garment in cold water for half an hour before washing it. This also prevents shrinkage.

First put the clothes in a washing bag and then into the washing machine. This prevents it from getting caught in other clothing or being damaged with other types of textiles. This is optional but highly recommended.

3. Dry woolen clothes carefully

Woman hanging laundry up

To dry woolen clothes, remove excess water. Thus you will prevent it from losing its shape.

Never use an automatic dryer when it comes to wool clothes; it will ruin it. The heat will shrink the clothes even if you have carefully followed all the other previous steps.

When drying a piece of woolen clothing, lay it flat. If you hang it, the weight of the water left in the clothes will stretch and the clothes will lose their shape.

You can also wrap it in a towel and thus remove some of the moisture before drying the clothes. Lay the woolen clothes on a dry towel and roll them up. Squeeze out the excess water as much as you can.

Also read: Use white vinegar the next time you wash clothes

4. Remember a few general tips for washing woolen clothes

Whether you want to wash wool clothes manually or by machine, here are some general instructions to follow:

  • Only wash clothes when necessary, not every time you use them. Do not wash wool with the same frequency as other types of clothes.
  • Also turn it inside out before washing it.
  • If you use a washing machine, choose a gentler program. If you wash it by hand, do not scrub too hard.
  • Always choose a mild, liquid detergent.
  • If all you want is to remove the bad odor from your clothes, either ventilate it or soak it alone.
  • If, despite all your care, the garment appears to shrink after you wash it, stretch it gently while it is still wet.
  • Always choose washbasin when working with a delicate knit.

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