The Best Natural Remedies To Help Detoxify Your Liver

When following this natural treatment to detoxify your liver, it is important not to consume anything harmful, such as alcohol or fast food.
The best natural remedies to help detoxify your liver

A poorly functioning liver will slow down the metabolism of fat and thus slow down wall loss. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention so that you yourself can detect any problems and detoxify your liver.

It does not have to be a big problem if you feel tired, irritable or uncomfortable for a few days. However, if the malaise occurs frequently, it is time to consider changing your habits and start detoxifying your body.

A detox is the only way you can cleanse your body of toxins.

In addition, many claim that they feel tired all the time. You may be chronically tired, which may be a sign that something is wrong with your liver.

Other indications for possible liver disorders are:

  • The skin acquires a sick, yellowish color, which is very clearly not its natural color.
  • Your urine is very dark, much more than you would normally expect when you have not drunk plenty of water.
  • Your stools may be very dark with a tarry consistency, appear very pale or contain blood stains.

Parsley properties for cleansing your liver

A cup of tea

Parsley is an herb with medicinal uses that is generally used to treat ailments due to bad liver, whether it is due to excessive intake of alcohol or very fatty foods that can irritate it.

Parsley has always been widely recommended due to the diuretic properties of the herb. It cleanses the liver and aids in its natural recovery process.

As a result, it removes toxins and speeds up the process by purifying excess water in the body through urine.


  • 1 teaspoon parsley (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Heat the water and add the parsley.
  • Let it cook for 15 minutes  and remove the pan from the stove.
  • Let it soak for 20 minutes and you are ready to drink.
  • For maximum effect, drink a glass every day for a week.

Medicinal juice with parsley and celery to improve your liver

Cucumber juice

To keep your liver in top shape, it is important to detoxify it regularly. By doing this, you stimulate the breakdown of your body’s fats, and improve the function of all the body’s organs and systems.

The following recipe helps restore the natural functions of the liver in just 5 days.


  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • The juice from 2 lemons
  • 1 bunch fresh parsley
  • 3 celery sticks


  • Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
  • Pour all the ingredients into a blender.
  • Blend for 3 minutes and serve the juice.
  • Drink it twice a day  – as the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and the second time before bedtime.

Smoothie with green apples and celery to detoxify your liver

Smoothie with green apples - detoxify your liver

Green smoothies are healthy drinks that have become famous for their detoxifying properties.

They help cleanse and detoxify the body to prevent disease, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), regulate blood sugar levels, provide a feeling of satiety and provide the body with important vitamins and minerals.

Green vegetables made into green smoothies are the best choice for cleansing your liver.

How many apples do you eat daily?

It is recommended that you eat a green apple every day for breakfast.

They are the best choice as they reduce blood sugar levels and are healthiest. In addition , they are often recommended for cleansing the liver as they have incredibly high levels of antioxidants.

Apples also contain malic acid, which helps prevent liver and kidney stones.


  • 1 apple cut into quarters
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 3 cups water (750 ml)


  • Blend all the ingredients for 3 minutes.
  • Drink a glass of delicious smoothie after each meal.

Good advice: While you are on this liver detox, avoid fast food, high-fat foods and alcohol for a week.

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