The Best Exercises To Relieve Pain In The Sciatic Nerve

The sciatic nerve is a fairly large nerve that runs from the lower back to the legs. Sciatica is a condition that affects the sciatic nerve and causes severe pain on the back of the back and legs.
The best exercises to relieve sciatic nerve pain

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched or irritated by a compression of the vertebrae. Pain in the sciatic nerve alone is not considered a disease, but it is an obvious symptom of problems such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.

Pain in the sciatic nerve  is very unpleasant and can prevent one from performing his daily tasks for a period that can last for up to 8 weeks. However, if one has some caution and exercises in mind during this period, the pain can be reduced and completely disappear in less time.

Home exercises to relieve pain in the sciatic nerve

Although people with  sciatica-related nerve pain  can relax for a day or two, the best way to combat sciatic nerve pain is to exercise the affected area. Although rest can reduce the pain at the moment, the truth is that spending a lot of time being inactive can make the condition worse. For this reason, it is important to do exercises and work on the areas that can help strengthen the back and the discs in the spine.

Person with sciatica pain

If you go to a doctor, he will probably refer you to a physiotherapist, depending on how serious the problem is. But you can also do a few exercises at home that can be the key to reducing and putting an end to this problem. F ølg this plan:

Muscle strength exercises

Exercises that help strengthen the abdominal muscles and back provide more support for the back and improve sciatic condition. It is also important to do stretching exercises to quickly relieve the  sciatic nerve pain.

Exercises according to diagnosis

When you go to a specialist, they will make a plan that will be adapted to the underlying causes of the sciatic pain, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis. Seen in that light  , it is important to trust the diagnosis because incorrect exercise can aggravate the sciatica pain and cause it to pull out.

Stretching exercises

Woman doing stretching exercises

Regardless of the cause of your sciatica pain, you can do the following stretching exercises. Remember that you should only continue if it relieves your pain. If they get worse, it’s something else your body needs.

  • Stretch the hind thigh: Put one leg in front of the other and slide the buttocks slightly backwards as if you are about to sit on a chair. Stretch the back thigh until you can feel it pull.
  • Stretch spiriformis: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place one ankle up on the opposite knee. The leg lying on the knee is now bent at an angle out from the body. If you can not feel the stretch yet, you can grab the leg that is still on the floor and lift it up towards your stomach. Change side so that you do not create imbalance in your body.

Exercises for sciatica

As we have mentioned above, it is best to do the exercise  that is best in relation to what has caused the pain in the sciatic nerve. Keeping this in mind, the recommended exercises are:

Sciatica caused by a herniated disc:

  • Stretching exercises
  • Back bending exercises
  • Upper back bending exercises
  • Curl up or do abdominal bends, aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles

Spinal stenosis sciatica:

  • Back bending exercises
  • Go up
  • Curling or abdominal cramps

Sciatica due to degenerative disc problems:

  • Go up
  • Bridge exercises

Soft Aerobic Exercises

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In addition to keeping the specific exercises in mind to relieve sciatica depending on its cause, you should also include a little bit of aerobic exercise, which will lessen the problem and will contribute to the overall health of your body. One of the best exercises for the lower back is walking. By doing this exercise for 30 minutes, it can give you all the benefits of aerobic exercise. As the sciatic nerve condition improves, you can supplement your aerobic activity with cycling, jogging or walking faster.

Remember to

  • It is very important to do sciatica exercises properly because if not, they can be ineffective and may even aggravate the problem. In general , we recommend learning the exercises under professional supervision, as with a physiotherapist or chiropractor.
  • You need to try to have a proper posture when walking and sitting down.
  • Avoid excessive calorie intake because being overweight can aggravate this condition.

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