The Best Acne Treatments To Try

You should start acne treatments as soon as you notice acne on your skin. Therefore, it is important to go to a dermatologist when you notice the first symptoms. Read on to learn more!
The best acne treatments to try

Fortunately, today we have lots of effective acne treatments. In fact, acne accounts for 25% of all appointments with dermatologists. This percentage is even higher for pediatricians.

This is a skin condition that has many different causes. Therefore, it is considered a multifactorial disease.

Currently, many different treatments control each of the different factors that cause acne. To know the best option for you, it is important to know how acne is formed and what causes it. As the American Academy of Dermatology suggests, you should also go to the dermatologist.

In any case, in this article we will give you a quick review of this skin disorder. We also tell you some possible prescription remedies that can combat it. Remember them so you can ask your doctor about them.

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What is acne and why does it occur?

Since it is so common, you have probably already heard of acne. In fact, you may have enjoyed it!

Acne is a skin problem that initially occurs in the hair follicles. The hair follicles are the part of the skin where your body hair grows. With this disorder, fat and dead cells clog these hair follicles. As a result, blackheads and pimples form. In fact, these are the main symptoms of this skin disorder.

All of these acne symptoms can occur on different parts of the body. However, the most common areas are face, back, chest and shoulders.

Blackheads and pimples are the main symptoms of acne

As we mentioned earlier, there are lots of things that cause acne. Since there are so many factors, we show the four primary ones:

  • Excess fat production.
  • Certain bacterial infections, such as Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes).
  • Obstruction of the hair follicles from fat and accumulation of dead skin cells.
  • High hormonal activity, especially androgens.

Other factors can also cause this disease or make it worse. Eg. stress can aggravate this condition. In addition, studies show that certain medications and diets can also make it worse.

Also read: What does your acne tell you about your health?

When and how to use acne treatments

You should start using acne treatments as soon as you see symptoms. Therefore, when you notice pimples or scars, it is best to consult a dermatologist. They tell you what you can use at home before it gets worse.

Also, keep in mind that each type of acne requires specific treatments. Therefore, it is important to get a professional diagnosis. You may even need additional tests to find out the exact origin.

General acne treatments aim to reduce inflammation and prevent bacterial growth. Therefore, apply the treatment to the entire affected area, not just pimples.

In the following, we will show you some of the most common acne treatments.

The most common acne treatments

Depending on their purpose, there are different types of acne treatments. We can classify them by these categories:

  • Reduce scaling of ductal epithelial cells.
  • Fight bacterial infections.
  • Reduce fat production.
Woman applying acne treatments

Acne treatments aimed at reducing the accumulation of skin cells

Among the most common acne treatments for this purpose, here are the three best:

  • Tretinoin: This is retinoid medication that helps remove hair follicle blockage. It also has anti-inflammatory and preventative properties to prevent the formation of acne.
  • Salicylic acid: In general, this is less effective than tretinoin. However, it also has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Adapalene or tazarotene: These are new treatments that are very similar to tretinoin.

Drugs to combat bacterial infections

Cutibacterium acnes bacteria are sensitive to different types of antibiotics. Some of the most common drugs are:

  • Benzoyl peroxide, especially with erythromycin.
  • Clindamycin.
  • Systemic antibiotics. This includes doxycycline, minocycline or cotrimoxazole.


Generally, there are lots of different acne treatments on the market today. We recommend that you talk to your dermatologist to find out the best way to treat your specific case of acne.

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