The Benefits Of Eating Wholemeal Pasta

Whole grain pasta stands out because of its dietary fiber content. Regular intake is associated with a lower risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the medium and long term.
The benefits of eating whole grain pasta

Do you know the benefits of eating whole grain pasta? Pasta is one of the most popular foods in the whole world. It has good organoleptic properties and provides significant amounts of energy. It is also incredibly versatile.

It is recommended to choose wholemeal pasta as it has several health benefits compared to refined or white pasta. In this article, we will explain its properties and why you should choose it.

Whole grain pasta is a source of fiber

Unlike white pasta, the whole grain version contains a significant amount of fiber. This nutrient is essential for the health of the gastrointestinal tract. The intake of this substance is actually linked to the health of the intestinal bacteria, according to an article published in the journal  Cell Host & Microbe.

This nutrient also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in the medium and long term. In fact, several studies have linked fiber intake to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand,  this substance helps to adjust the lipids a bit,  by partially blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines.

Person eats a portion of pasta

It produces a greater feeling of satiety

Whole grain pasta has the advantage that it leads to lower increases in blood glucose and insulin, compared to the refined variant. This reduces the likelihood of suffering from reactive hypoglycemia and increased appetite shortly after eating. It is therefore, for sure, a better food than the white variant when it comes to inducing a feeling of satiety.

Good handling of the satiety mechanism is important for all those who want to lose weight. One of the reasons why people drop a cure is because of anxiety about food. It is mainly due to poor food choices that leads to a constant appetite.

Choosing foods rich in fiber and with a low glycemic index helps induce satiety. It can therefore help a person to avoid eating occasional meals. This leads to a lower number of calories consumed per day, which positively affects one’s body weight.

Whole grain pasta is better for your health

Another benefit of whole grain pasta is its minimal impact on the pancreas. Eating this food puts less pressure on the pancreas than white pasta does. This has several health benefits, including a lower risk of insulin resistance.

This condition is perfect breeding ground for the development of type-2 diabetes. Today, experts are aware of the need to avoid diseases associated with the pancreas. Diabetes is often associated with obesity and the development of heart disease.

For that reason,  replacing its intake of white grains and flour with whole grain varieties is a step towards health.

Dish with wholemeal pasta

It is a better choice for athletes

Many athletes are used to eating pasta before training or competing. However, whole grain pasta is beneficial in these situations. This food  allows blood sugar to remain stable, rather than inducing higher and short-term increases.

The primary consequence of this fact is a delay in the emergence of exhaustion. In addition, reducing the risk of reactive hypoglycaemia may also equate to improved performance.

For that reason, athletes should avoid simple sugar and refined flour just before a competition. Whole grain rice or pasta are foods that guarantee a proper and safe supply of energy.

Therefore, you should choose whole grain pasta

Whole grain pasta has certain advantages over its white counterpart. Most of them are associated with a higher content of fiber. This increases the feeling of satiety produced and regulates increases in blood sugar, which reduces complications associated with reactive hypoglycemia.

However, it is a food rich in carbohydrates that you should not eat too much of. Remember that brown rice and whole grain quinoa are better sources of this nutrient. On the other hand, we should emphasize that the basis of a good diet is variety. It is therefore important that you include different types of foods in your diet.

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