Stop Trying To Control Life And Live It!

Instead of going against the flow and struggling with life, why not let it take you with it so you can learn every lesson it has in store for you?
Stop trying to control life and live it!

We often try to control life, instead of letting it lead us with it. This way we can find the path we really should follow in life.

When unforeseen, unexpected things happen to us, it disturbs us and we rebel against them. We often blame someone or something. We use phrases like “what have I done to deserve this?” Everything and everyone else is to blame and we are the victims.

We all have expectations in life, but for the most part it does not happen. Because of this, we sink into a sense of defeat and we are filled with disappointment and powerlessness.

Life does not require order, but rather trust

It is pointless to try to control everything that happens in life

Wanting to control life is useless. When all goes well, it’s great. But when everything starts to go wrong, we make ourselves the victims. We do this instead of confronting the situation and trying to get over things.

Life is not easy. We have the wrong belief that in order to be happy, everything must go well. But that’s just not realistic.

Everything consists of good and bad moments. Both serve a purpose, though some make us feel more comfortable than others. But to be honest, this is a matter of perspective.

  • A defeat does not mean we have to give up our goals.
  • On the contrary, it can be an opportunity to grow and learn. This includes learning about everything that makes us good.
  • A toxic relationship is not a reason to reject love and condemn it.
  • It can be an opportunity to learn to be more selective. It is also a chance to remove the blindfold that may be a consequence of your expectations as soon as possible.

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Do not swim against the current, let life lead you

Let life guide you, instead of swimming against the current

Do you want to keep banging your head against a wall? Do not make yourself a victim of a situation. Life might just take you in a different direction.

Stop blaming other people for what they make you like. It may be that you are the one letting it happen. It may be yourself who is not able to cut people out of your life and distance yourself from people who are not good to you.

You live your life on autopilot. Because of this, you can not capture everything it tries to tell you about every step you take. Life gives you specific instructions, even if you do not accept them in the best way. But it gives them to you. Open your eyes! They are there.

We force ourselves into relationships that are not worth the hassle. We fill ourselves with regrets instead of moving forward. In addition, we commit ourselves to a victim role that makes us think of ourselves as victims when it is not. Why do we not begin to flow with life?

Sometimes we are so comfortable in our comfort zone that we lose our perspective. We hate change! However, change is needed.

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Are you trying to control your life?

It can sometimes feel like you are balancing on a line

When difficulties overwhelm you, your whole world goes out of control. You like to have everything planned and that your days follow a routine.

But when something inevitable happens, you throw your hands up in the air and it feels like you are balancing on a line. Uncertainty is something that you do not like. You think of change as an accident.

Changing the way you look at situations is crucial. Even the most negative things have a positive side. You just have to know how to see it because it can be very subtle. You will not be able to do that if you take the easy way out. The easy way out is to complain, deny and reject anything that overwhelms you.

Learn how to control your worries and stress. Do not try to control life. Let it carry you with it, and do not be afraid of what will happen. When you least expect it, amazing things will happen that you would never have expected.

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