Stiff Neck? Try These Homemade Remedies!

To relieve pain, try massaging the area with essential oils. To restore flexibility, it is important to slowly and gently train the muscles.
Stiff neck?  Try these homemade remedies!

Have you ever had a stiff neck? Would you like to learn how to deal with this common problem? So keep reading this article.

A stiff neck is characterized by difficulty moving or twisting the neck due to pain and discomfort. It may be accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, discomfort in the shoulders or arms, burning and unbearable pain in the neck, loss of sleep due to discomfort, etc.

The pain can occur suddenly in the neck and disappear as quickly as it came.  If it is recurrent pain that does not go away after a few days or often occurs several times a month, it is said to be a chronic case that needs to be treated.

Why does neck pain occur? A stiff neck can have many different causes, including:

  • Sprain or muscle damage
  • Poor posture
  • To remain in the same position for several hours (sitting above all)
  • Stress
  • excitement
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Forcing the neck to support the weight or sudden movements
  • Weightlifting exercises
Woman in pain in front of computer

It can occur as a consequence of more serious conditions that require medical attention.  Meningitis and disc herniation both cause a stiff neck, for example. It is important not to ignore the symptoms, especially if they become more intense.

Homemade remedies for a stiff neck

As we have already mentioned, a stiff neck can be mild or intense (chronic).  In the latter case, you can not turn your head without experiencing intense pain. Some treatments that you may find helpful if you are suffering from this problem are:


Woman holding her shoulders

This is the most popular home treatment. You can go to a masseur or ask someone at home to massage your neck carefully.  For a greater effect, you can use essential oils. You do not have to go out and buy some, you can use the ones you already have available in your home like olive oil or almond oil.

Just heat them a little in a water bath or microwave. Be careful not to burn your skin! Heat and movement are good for loosening muscles, whether it is on the neck or elsewhere on the body.

Take a few drops of oil (if you use essential oils, try lavender or  rosemary ) and smear it on the affected area with circular motions and a light pressure. It will relax sore muscles and promote blood circulation, and reduce stiffness in a few minutes.  

Warm up

Applying heat to a stiff neck is an excellent way to relieve pain.  For example, you can take a hot shower and let the water run down your throat, wet a towel with boiling water and use it as a compress, or even use an electric heating pad.

When this alternative is not available, you can heat a blanket or similar in the oven (be careful not to burn yourself) and wrap it around your neck. Pillows filled with rice or seeds are useful for heating in the oven  and have the same effect.


Woman applying is on the neck

Another excellent remedy for a stiff neck is to take a bath with Epsom salts. This salt is rich in magnesium, which promotes blood flow and has the ability to reduce muscle tension.

Fill the tub with warm water and add a handful of Epsom salts, which dissolve. Lie in the water so that your neck gets wet. The good news is that this remedy or technique will help you in general to be more relaxed and relaxed.

Apple cider vinegar


Apple cider vinegar  provides many health benefits. It helps reduce swelling in muscle pain. Simply wet a cloth with vinegar and place it on your neck as a compress. Another option is to rub the affected area with vinegar.


Cut a few slices of raw radish and place on the painful area. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. It is a truly soothing, refreshing and inexpensive solution. 


Woman holding her neck

Although you may not be able to move your neck, whether it is for pain or fear, it is important to restore muscle flexibility.  Start with gentle and really slow exercises, and keep an eye on the pain.

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