Safflower Oil: Use, Benefits And Properties

Safflower oil is used i.a. to control blood sugar, lower LDL cholesterol and promote skin health. Learn more about this amazing oil in this article!
Safflower oil: Use, benefits and properties

Saflor is an oily plant, which means that it has seeds from which you can extract oil. This oil can be used for culinary or industrial purposes. In today’s article we will talk about the use, benefits and properties of safflower oil.

Although it was originally grown for use as a dye, spice or aniline substitute, in the 1950s people began to grow safflower for the oil that comes from the seeds.

In fact , both its edible oils and essential oils have interesting benefits. For example, its edible oils are a source of unsaturated fatty acids, while essential oils can help treat skin conditions such as acne and eczema.

Nutritional properties of safflower oils

There are two types of safflower oil: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Each of them contains active compounds that have specific nutritional properties. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Monounsaturated safflower oil

This oil is rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid that can withstand high temperatures without losing its nutrients.

In addition, the smoke point of the monounsaturated safflower oil differs from other more popular oils such as corn, olive or rapeseed oil. Therefore, it is a healthy substitute.

In fact, some people think it is better for cooking because its taste, color and smell are neutral.

Polyunsaturated safflower oil

This oil is rich in linoleic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid that is more sensitive than the previous one. Therefore, you should not expose it to high temperatures.

To avoid oxidation, you should instead store it in cold places such as. in the refrigerator and avoid exposing it to light to avoid oxidation. Polyunsaturated safflower oil is generally sold as a dietary supplement. This is because it contains such high levels of linoleic acid.

You also need to keep in mind that while omega-6 is important for the body’s function, you need to make sure you get it through food. Our bodies are not capable of producing it.

Use of safflower oil

You can use safflower oil to make oil paints in white and other light shades. However, there are many more uses and some of them are even linked to medicine. Read on to find out more about this drug.

Application of safflower oil on the skin

As this oil has potential health benefits for your skin, safflower oil is often on the ingredient lists of a variety of cosmetic products. If you want to use these products, just be sure to follow the instructions.

In addition, you can apply it directly on your skin in its clean, edible form. However, if it is an essential oil, dilute it before using it. How do you do it? Simply add a few drops of other oils to it. We recommend jojoba and grape seeds because they can help on oily skin.

Lastly , you can use it daily as it is considered as a safe oil. Also keep in mind that essential oils are more powerful, so you should only use it for a short time.

The uses of safflower oil in the kitchen

You have already seen a few of the benefits of safflower oil. Here are the proven benefits, according to science.

It is a source of fatty acids

Safflower oil is a source of fatty acids (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) that play a fundamental role in the body’s function.

These types of good fats are involved in hormone regulation, memory processes and the uptake of vitamins A, D, E and K. In addition, they can help you feel full for longer.

In addition, safflower oil contains saturated fats that are usually considered unhealthy or bad. However, it contains far fewer saturated fats than other popular oils such as. olive oil, avocado and sunflower oil.

You should be aware that a diet with a high content of good fats and a low content of bad fats is the key to many health benefits, such as. reduced inflammation and improved heart health.

2. Stabilizes blood sugar

A study published in the journal PLosS Medicine showed that a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids helps keep your blood sugar levels under control.

According to the study, replacing saturated fats with unsaturated (especially polyunsaturated fatty acids) significantly improves blood sugar levels, insulin release and insulin resistance.

Similarly, a study published in Clinical Nutrition showed that consuming 8 grams of safflower oil daily for 4 months can reduce inflammation. In addition, it helped improve glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Because of this, the researchers concluded that a combination of a diet high in good fats with diabetes treatments is effective in reducing the complications of this disease.

3. Lowers cholesterol levels and improves heart health

The same study published in Clinical Nutrition showed that it was possible to lower cholesterol levels by using safflower oil for 4 months. This shows that unsaturated fats can lower LDL or bad cholesterol.

However, it is not the only way this drug can support heart health. In addition, the unsaturated fatty acids in safflower oil can prevent platelets from clumping together, preventing blood clots. This reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.

4. It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent

Chronic inflammation can cause heart disease, autoimmune diseases and even cancer. Fortunately, there is scientific evidence that safflower oils have anti-inflammatory properties. These properties reduce important markers associated with hyperactive cell responses.

5. Improves skin health

As it can moisturize and relieve itching as well as other symptoms of dry skin, it is a popular ingredient in skin care products.

It has anti-inflammatory properties and contains vitamin E. According to a study published in the Indian Dermatology Online Journal , this nutrient can help treat skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema as well as improve wound healing.

Side effects of safflower oil

Safflower oil is safe as long as you do not exceed the recommended dose. In adults, these doses are:

  • Women between 19 and 30 years: 6 teaspoons
  • Women over 30: 5 teaspoons
  • Men between 19 and 30 years: 7 teaspoons
  • Men over 30: 6 teaspoons

In addition , people with bleeding disorders and people who are going to have an operation should avoid consuming this oil. This is because it can affect coagulation and increase the risk of bleeding.

When it comes to local use, we recommend starting with a small test to see if your skin is sensitive to it. To do this, place a small amount on your forearm and wait 24-48 hours. If you then do not develop any rash or irritation, you can continue to use the oil.

Safflower oil: An important source of unsaturated fatty acids

This plant was originally grown so that it could be used as a dye. Today, however, people are more focused on the seeds, which is where the much coveted oil comes from.

This is because they are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and can be found in two forms: monounsaturated (which can withstand high temperatures without losing their nutrients) and polyunsaturated (which is the largest source of linoleic acid on the market).

These unsaturated fats, along with other compounds, are responsible for controlling blood sugar, lowering LDL cholesterol and improving skin health.

As for contraindications, safflower oil is safe as long as you ingest the recommended amounts and you perform a test before using it topically. In addition, people with bleeding problems or people who are planning to have surgery should avoid it.

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