Nux Vomica: What You Need To Know

Nux vomica has been used to treat stomach problems, hangovers and menstrual cramps. Find out if there is scientific evidence to support these benefits. 
Nux vomica: What you need to know

Fox cake or walnut plant is a medium-sized evergreen tree that grows in China, Thailand, the East Indies and Australia. Its seeds, also known as nux vomica, poison nut and vomit, are used as a natural remedy to treat numerous ailments and symptoms.

Erectile dysfunction, constipation, migraine, bloating and anxiety are some of the health problems that people traditionally use nux vomica to treat. However, at present there is no scientific evidence to support this use. 

Poison nut is the name it has when the seed is raw. This is because it contains an alkaloid called strychnine. It is in some cases used in rat poison. Therefore, it can be dangerous, but it is also available on the market in the form of pills or powders.

The benefits of nux vomica

According to the opinions of some people, nux vomica has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, they believe they can use it to treat asthma, arthritis and hemorrhoids. According to an animal study from the American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture  , it can be effective in treating inflammation. 

These seeds also contain antioxidants, so they may have the potential to fight free radicals that damage the body’s cells. Furthermore, there are many who claim to have antiseptic properties. However, further research is needed.

According to research conducted on mice by Phytotherapy Research, the alkaloids found in walnuts may inhibit the growth of some cancer cells such as cancer cells in the colon. However, further studies on this topic are still needed and we cannot consider it a priority treatment for cancer. 

At the same time, research in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology has suggested that these seeds may have the potential to stop the growth of human liver cancer cells. However, it is important to note that further scientific studies are needed to support this theory.

Many people use nux vomica to treat various ailments. These include back pain, constipation, menstrual cramps, impotence and male infertility. It also has anecdotal use in migraines, anxiety and insomnia. 

However, there is a lack of scientific evidence to support such benefits. You should therefore talk to a doctor before taking it.

Finally, a study in rats was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, which suggests that nux vomica may help in the treatment of alcohol abuse. However, there have been no tests of the effects in human patients at present.

Man with alcohol abuse
Although there have been experiments with this substance according to the treatment of alcoholism, there is no evidence to support its use in humans. 

Also read: Learn all about the different types of insomnia

How is nux vomica used?

Supplements are available over the counter and you can buy them in health food stores in pill or powder form. Each manufacturer has varying doses and instructions as they lack scientific backing and do not have an exact recommended amount.

For that reason, it is important to  consult a doctor before taking them. Do not put your trust in the product label. In addition, if you are lactose intolerant, you should check if the product contains dairy products. Some forms contain dairy products, while others do not.

According to some manufacturers  , this product has an expiration date of up to three years if you store it in a cool, dark place. 

Possible risks of ingestion

Nux vomica is considered to be a dangerous seed for human consumption. It is believed that an intake of 30 milligrams or more of this product can cause serious side effects. This includes the following:

  • Stiffness in the back and neck.
  • Anxiety.
  • Dizziness and seizures.
  • Spasms of the jaw muscles.
  • Liver failure.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) classifies this distress as being dangerous because of the serious neurological side effects. Therefore, you should never use products that contain this seed without first consulting a doctor. This is especially the case when it comes to treating erectile dysfunction.

Who should avoid it?

Although nux vomica is not recommended for anyone, there is a higher risk of toxic side effects in some people. Therefore, those who fall into the following categories should avoid consuming it:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women:  This seed causes serious harm to both the baby and the mother.
  • Patients with liver disease:  Nux vomica can aggravate and even cause liver damage because the seed contains strychnine.
Animation of liver
The liver may be affected by nux vomica as strychnine has a toxic potential associated with liver failure.

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What do you need to remember about nux vomica?

Nux vomica is found naturally in Australia, Thailand, China and the East Indies. Traditionally, people have used it to treat numerous ailments such as erectile dysfunction, anxiety, constipation, menstrual cramps and migraines.

However, there is currently not enough scientific evidence to support these benefits. Conversely, ingestion of this seed can cause serious side effects.

You should keep in mind that each manufacturer uses different doses and instructions. Therefore, be very careful not to fall for the indications on the label. These do not have any kind of health certificate.

Everyone should avoid consuming it,  but especially pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and people suffering from liver disease. You should consult a doctor before starting to take nux vomica.

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