Nodules In The Thyroid Gland: Symptoms And Causes

Concerns and fears can arise when nodules are discovered in the thyroid gland. Although these nodules are benign in most cases, studies are needed to confirm this. In this article, we will take a closer look at the causes of them and how they are diagnosed.
Thyroid nodules: Symptoms and causes

Thyroid nodules are cell growth in the thyroid gland in the form of nodules or swellings. Some of them can be detected using a simple palpation, but many of the nodules are small and cannot be felt.

Nodules in the thyroid gland can be solid or cystic. Cystic nodules are filled with fluid and covered with “capsules”. However, solid knots are completely fixed.

They can be located in different places in the thyroid gland, which consists of two patches connected by a thin layer of tissue. This gland is located in the throat and under normal conditions you can not feel it by touching the throat.

Since one of the functions of the thyroid gland is to produce T3 and T4 hormones, a nodule in this gland may be functional. That is, it is able to secrete hormones, just as normal tissue does. In these cases, symptoms associated with hormone overproduction appear.

Most nodules in the thyroid gland are benign and many doctors discover them by chance during medical examinations which deal with another problem. However, as a small percentage of nodules may be due to thyroid cancer, the patient must have had additional tests performed so that a diagnosis can be made.

Woman is being examined by the doctor

Causes of nodules in the thyroid gland

There can be various causes of thyroid nodules. For example, it may be due to a change in diet or the spread of malignant cells.

Here are some of the main reasons:

Deficiency of iodine in the diet

When you do not get enough iodine from the foods you eat, a lump can form in the thyroid gland. This classic and historical cause of thyroid disease has led many countries to make the artificial addition of iodine in many foods mandatory.

These laws were approved in times when there was a high incidence of goiter – a swelling in the throat due to lack of iodine, in several places in the world.


This term refers to inflammation of the thyroid gland. When the inflammation is chronic and persistent, it can cause nodules. One of the most common variants is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, whose symptoms are low metabolism.

The proliferation of normal thyroid cells

In some cases, normal thyroid cells grow disproportionately and form a nodule. This is known as a benign tumor of the thyroid gland.

The problem is that the tumor may be functional. In other words, it is able to produce hormones and add them to the blood. This can make the person suffer from a high metabolism.

Fluid retention

Nodules in the thyroid gland can be cystic. In other words, they can be fluid-filled cavities. They are benign and usually not functional. Thus, they are not able to produce hormones.

Spread of malignant cells

The most dangerous forms of nodules in the thyroid gland are thyroid cancer. Fortunately, this only accounts for a small percentage of cases. When detected early, treatment and surgery can prevent it from spreading.

Symptoms of thyroid nodules

These nodules usually do not cause symptoms as they tend to be small and non-functional. In many cases, they are detected through an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, which the patient often receives in connection with another examination.

When the nodules can be detected from the outside by examining the neck, the patient has a sufficiently large nodule formation. These situations can be performed by a doctor during an examination or by the patient himself.

If the patient has other symptoms such as weight loss, excessive sweating, changes in heart rate or difficulty swallowing, then the lump may be malignant.

If you are dealing with functional nodules in the thyroid gland that are able to produce hormones and dump them into the bloodstream, then these are symptoms of hyperthyroidism. The patient will experience tachycardia, lack of strength, changes in nails and hair, diarrhea, irritability and no weight gain despite an increased food intake.

Woman has pain in the throat

Diagnosis of nodules in the thyroid gland

When a lump is detected during an examination due to another problem, the doctor will schedule a series of tests. These tests will include:

  • Dosage of thyroid hormones. Through blood tests that measure T4 and TSH levels.
  • Ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland. If this has not been done before, this test will be the first step in dealing with nodules in the thyroid gland. First and foremost, it allows doctors to distinguish between solid and cystic nodules, while allowing them to measure the size of the nodules.
  • Needle biopsy. If the doctor suspects that the lump is malignant, he or she will arrange for a needle biopsy. It involves inserting a very thin needle into the gland to extract cells from the nodule, which will be analyzed under a microscope. The patient should not be admitted during this process. You are usually locally anesthetized during this process.


Nodules in the thyroid gland can appear due to several different diseases which can affect the thyroid gland. Although they are usually benign, a correct diagnosis needs to be made to rule out a more serious problem. It is therefore necessary to contact your doctor if you experience any signs of nodules.

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