Natural Jelly To Treat Stretch Marks, Wrinkles, Burns And Impurities

Both aloe vera and coconut oil are highly moisturizing and have healing and restorative properties. These help reduce the visibility of various skin problems.
Natural jelly to treat stretch marks, wrinkles, burns and impurities

You can treat i.a. stretch marks with this natural jelly. Every day, one’s skin is exposed to various stressors from the environment, such as the sun’s UV rays and other things that slowly deteriorate its condition. 

Natural jelly to treat stretch marks

As a result, one will begin to notice various kinds of imperfections which show one’s age even when one is very young.

In order to reduce these effects and to speed up the healing process of small wounds, most people almost always use beauty products available in the stores.

But there are 100% natural options that you can make with extremely cheap ingredients, which are filled with useful things for your skin.

One of these is a soothing and nourishing gel, which fights stretch marks, wrinkles and other typical skin problems.

It contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help restore cells, fighting the damage to the skin.

What is in this natural jelly that cares for one’s skin?

This natural gel fights changes in the skin. It comes from the beautiful aloe vera plant. It performs miracles when combined with coconut oil and essential oils.

All these products are excellent for the skin. They contain important nutrients that both strengthen and nourish it.

And because we do not want you to have any doubts about its properties, we will go into detail below about the properties of the main ingredients.

The benefits of aloe vera jelly

Aloe vera

The aloe vera plant contains a jelly that is rich in nutrients that improve and moisturize the skin. Its high content of water, along with enzymes and antioxidants stop oxidative damage caused by free radicals. It prevents excessive loss of collagen and elastin.

Thanks to these properties, it can be used to:

  • Moisturize and restore skin.
  • Soothe irritated skin and allergic problems.
  • Relieves sunburn and burns caused by other forms of heat.
  • Fight orange peel and stretch marks.
  • Reduce impurities and freckles.
  • Prevent and reduce fine wrinkles on the face, neck and chest.

The benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil

Now coconut oil is labeled as “super food” because of its nutritional properties.

Its high content of essential fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants makes it excellent for skin care.

It also contains anti-inflammatory substances along with some that provide moisturizing and are antibacterial. This helps fight acne, blemishes and small scars that affect one’s appearance.

It can also be used as a cleanser for the face and as an alternative to commercial moisturizers.

Due to the substances it contains, extra virgin coconut oil can be used to:

  • Produce the skin’s natural glow.
  • Naturally nourish and moisturize.
  • Reduce bacteria and fungus.
  • Reduce the visibility of brown and white stretch marks.
  • Reduce the visibility of orange peel and varicose veins.
  • Fight spots on the skin.
  • Reduce wrinkles.
  • Accelerate the healing of the skin after sunburn.

How to prepare the natural jelly for the treatment of imperfections on the skin


To be able to take advantage of all the benefits of these ingredients, it is worth spending a few minutes making this homemade jelly to care for one’s skin.


  •  7 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil (105 g)
  • 7 tablespoons aloe vera jelly (105 g)
  • 10 drops of essential oil of your choice

Course of action

  • Put the aloe vera jelly in a bowl and mix it with the coconut oil.
  • Stir for three to five minutes, until it forms a shiny, even mass.
  • Add the drops of the essential oil and continue to stir.
  • Store the product in a glass container with a lid in a cool, dry place.


  • Use this product every day, preferably after the bath, as this is the time when one’s house is best able to absorb moisture.
  • Take a small amount of the jelly and massage it gently with a circular motion on all the areas that you want to treat.
  • You do not need to rinse it off afterwards. However, if desired, one can remove the excess jelly with a clean cloth after it has soaked into the skin for at least an hour.

So now you know how to make your own natural jelly to preserve the glow of your skin. You no longer need to have any excuse for not treating your stretch marks or other inconveniences.

Use it persistently as part of your beauty routine and you will be able to see incredible results after just a few weeks.

So start trying to treat your stretch marks!

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