Mint And Ginger Drink That Activates Your Metabolism

Try this delicious recipe with mint and ginger. Also remember to eat healthy, exercise and get enough sleep to speed up your metabolism.
Mint and ginger drink that activates your metabolism

If your metabolism is very slow, you may have difficulty losing weight even if you are on a diet. A slow metabolism means that your body burns calories more slowly, which can lead to a weight gain. Read about how to prepare this delicious mint and ginger drink that activates your metabolism.

What is the metabolism?

Female body

Metabolism is the process in your body that converts the food you eat into energy.

It dictates how much energy you use and depends on factors such as body temperature, breathing and circulation. Therefore, it is important that your metabolism works properly. It must not be too fast or too slow.

A slow metabolism is not always a serious problem. But it can also be a symptom of conditions such as hypothyroidism or insulin resistance.

In any case, it is often associated with a hormonal imbalance.

It is important to keep in mind that you risk lowering your metabolism if you do not eat enough calories because your body will think you are starving, and therefore lowering your metabolism as a survival mechanism.

Therefore, try not to starve yourself when you want to lose weight. Instead, change your diet so that you eat fewer refined foods, more whole grains, and more vegetables.

Is your metabolism slow?

Your metabolism may be slow if you experience the following problems:

  • You put on for no apparent reason
  • You have a hard time losing weight despite dieting
  • You tend to put on around the waist
  • You are hypersensitive to cold
  • You are often tired
  • You have trouble getting up in the morning
  • You often feel constipated or that your digestion is slow and heavy

Some types of medication can also slow down your metabolism. Talk to your doctor if you suspect your medication may be the cause.

Therefore, mint and ginger are good for your metabolism


Mint too

Mint is a stimulating and refreshing spice that can help you with your weight loss. It activates your metabolism and helps relieve bloating and the heavy feeling in the body.

The great advantage of mint is that it stimulates the body without making you restless. 

This is in contrast to other beverages such as coffee, alcohol and cola. Although they may give you a boost, it is only temporary and may be accompanied by negative side effects.


Ginger Tea and Ginger - Activates your metabolism

Ginger is also another natural and healthy stimulant, just like mint. Ginger gives a feeling of warmth in the body, so it stands in perfect contrast to the freshness of the coin.

It also has a satisfying taste and is good for your health in several different points. It is, for example, mildly analgesic and nauseating.

Recipe with mint and ginger that activates your metabolism


To prepare this mint and ginger drink that activates your metabolism, use the following:

  • 1 small sprig of fresh mint leaves
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger or a teaspoon of crushed ginger (6g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • Stevia as a sweetener

Course of action

  • Blend all the ingredients. Strain the juice so you get a drink without fragments.
  • Use stevia to sweeten the taste and drink it hot or cold.
  • Drink it when you feel like something delicious. It’s a great way to satisfy your hunger.

Other tips

To activate your metabolism, you should also:

  • Sleep enough every night. Quality sleep is important.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid skipping meals or starving yourself
  • Use strong spices in your diet (cayenne pepper, ginger, etc.), green tea or ginseng.
  • Take cold showers
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and do not sit down for long periods of time without getting up.
  • Stay away from miracle cures and eat a healthy and balanced diet.

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