Lemon And Flaxseed: Does It Help With Weight Loss?

Have you tried this in your diet yet? Try making this recipe at home today and discover how good it is for your weight and figure. Do not forget to pair it with a low fat diet and exercise.
Lemon and flaxseed: Does it help with weight loss?

Natural lemon and flaxseed are one of the diet tricks that have become popular for weight loss. If the fact that it burns fat all night long was not enough, then it can also give our diets some interesting benefits.

Both lemon and flaxseed contain nutrients that increase the body’s metabolism. By including them in our diet, we can reduce delicious hunger and improve our digestive and liver functions, which play a role in weight loss.

These days, many people want to know how to make this lemon and flaxseed drink because it is a simple way to lose weight.

What are its main benefits?

We explain how you can take advantage of this drink in more detail below.

What makes lemon and flaxseed a good weight loss alternative?

Losing weight is a complicated process that can vary depending on each person’s body. Although a healthy diet and exercise are keys to success, there are some people who still have difficulty reaching their goals.

Lemon juice

First, it is not easy to start changing lifestyle habits, especially if a person has always lived a sedentary lifestyle. Another problem is that not everyone’s metabolism works in the same way; some systems work faster while others do not.

But all this aside, there are several natural tricks that can help us lose weight without having to suffer too much. Lemon and flaxseed, for example, contain nutrients and slimming effects that can support our diet.

Drinking it regularly will not only help detoxify your body, but it will also improve your immune system and prevent certain diseases. In addition, this drink can also reduce the secretion of hunger hormones and is a calorie-rich way to keep your body hydrated.

You may be interested in reading: Treat constipation naturally with flaxseed

The slimming benefits of lemons

Lemon juice is a natural ingredient that is often found in weight loss plans. Thanks to its high vitamin C and essential mineral content, it is a well-rounded food source that strengthens our immune system and improves our general condition.

It has been known for decades that lemons have diuretic, antioxidant and alkalizing properties. As a result, lemons are not only good for weight loss but also for overall health. Regular consumption of lemon can fight inflammation and product cells from several antigens that can give us problems. This is because it:

  • Contains antioxidants, polyphenols, which help reduce the amount of fat cells in the body.
  • Has citric acid that stimulates bile secretion, which is a substance produced by the gallbladder that acts to digest lipids.
  • Has dietary fiber content that improves digestion and limits the need for food.
  • Helps keep bad cholesterol under control while reducing the risk of diabetes.

The benefits of flaxseed to lose weight


Recently, more and more people have added flaxseed to their diet. After finding out that they are good for digestion and weight control, many have even tried their benefits. Despite their small size, they are an incredible source of nutrients.

  • They contain a small conversion to omega 3 fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and boast of the cardiovascular benefits.
  • 28% by weight is dietary fiber, which helps control cholesterol and improve digestion.
  • Flaxseed contains antioxidants that help the cells perform their best and limit the damage caused by oxidative stress.
  • In addition, they can also produce high amounts of planar mucus, which is a substance that helps regulate blood glucose levels.
  • Their enzymes help the body break down fats and proteins more easily and prevent them from building up.

How can you make lemon and flaxseed to lose weight?

To get the most out of the slimming properties of these foods, there is no better way than to follow this recipe. You should drink it every day for health benefits as you approach your weight loss goal.

Woman drinking something


  • 4 glasses of water (1 liter)
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed (20 g)
  • The juice from 1 lemon


  • Pour the water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Once you have cooked it, add the flax seeds and bring the heat down.
  • Let it cook for 3 or 4 minutes more and remove from the heat.
  • Cover the pan and let it cool.
  • When it is cool enough to drink, sift the water and add the lemon juice.

Also Read: Korean Diet: The Asian Key to Weight Loss


  • Eat a glass of lemon and flaxseed on an empty stomach.
  • Divide the remaining water into 3 or 4 more portions.
  • Drink again at least 3 times a week.

Have you tried this in your diet yet? Try making this recipe at home today and discover how good it is for your weight and figure. Do not forget to pair it with a low fat diet and exercise.

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