How To Stay Calm In Difficult Times

Anger, frustration, despair … Being able to stay calm in difficult times can be difficult. In today’s article, we share some strategies that may help.
This is how you can stay calm in difficult times

We encounter problems all the time. You do not have to look for them. They tend to come by themselves. It is often difficult to accept, nor does it have anything to do with accidents. But do you tend to lose control when faced with problems? If the answer is yes, it’s time to learn to stay calm in difficult times.

Plato, the famous philosopher, once said that “the greatest and most important victory is to conquer yourself”.

Therefore, even though you are an emotional being like everyone else, your emotions do not have to overwhelm you when things get complicated.

Reasons to stay calm in difficult times

Before you read some methods for staying calm in difficult times, we will talk about the importance of self-control.

The European Institute of Positive Psychology explains that self-control is essential to prevent your emotions from controlling you.

When dealing with difficult times, it can feel desperate, you may scream, collapse or feel angry and sad at the same time. And you know what? It is okay!

It is not a bad thing to feel these things and you should not try to suppress these feelings.

In fact, dealing with your emotions does not mean suppressing them. It’s not like that. Instead, make sure you let go of your emotions.

This is because repressed emotions are a ticking time bomb.

An angry man

Strategies to help you stay calm in difficult times

Now that you understand the importance of self-control when things around you become difficult, it’s time to learn some guidelines that you can use to stay calm in difficult times.

Do not stress too much about applying them all at once. It is best to take a little at a time.

1. Breathe consciously

It may seem like a silly recommendation that you are tired of hearing. However, you need to trust that it works. Conscious breathing helps you calm all the emotions you are dealing with.

Remember, you are not trying to suppress them. Instead, try to reduce how strong they are so that they do not get out of control. Take a deep breath and exhale. If you can also spend a moment alone doing it, it’s even better.

2. Distance and disconnect

When faced with a difficult situation, it can be difficult to put things in perspective. Because of this, after you have tried to breathe consciously, you should distance yourself from the situation and disconnect.

Try washing your face, going for a walk, playing a game, playing sports, calling a friend, or listening to music. Do something to distance yourself. Believe us, it will help you stay calm and better cope with your problems.

Write down your feelings

After trying the first two things, spend some time writing down your feelings. Writing is very therapeutic and can help you sort out your emotions.

In addition, you can reread what you have written and analyze your emotions from a more objective perspective. This is a great way to help you stay calm in difficult times. You can do it every day too!

4. Face the situation

Now you are ready to face the situation. You can do it with peace of mind, without being overwhelmed by emotions, and without feeling that you can not cope with the problem.

You will see that there are many ways to get out of this problem that you could not see at first. Despite the problems you face, there are always opportunities.

Be flexible with your circumstances and start thinking of small actions that can bring you closer to completely solving the problem. You get closer and closer to a solution, one step at a time.

A woman who breathes deeply

To remain calm in difficult times

What do you think of these tips that can help you stay calm in difficult times? Have you tried any of them?

Don’t worry if they do not all work for you.

The best thing you can do is try them all and see what works for you. Then you can use this strategy when you need it. We are sure that it will help you and that you can handle your problems in a healthier way.

Whatever your situation, never hesitate to ask for professional help. Psychologists can help you deal with your emotions and will be able to help you figure out what you need.

Additionally, they will be able to suggest some personal exercises that will be beneficial for you. They will also be able to analyze the causes of your overwhelming emotions in depth.

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