How To Avoid Getting Dark Circles Under The Eyes

Swelling and dark circles are not dangerous, but many people think it is not very nice. Therefore, many would like to get rid of them. Here are some tips to help you avoid getting dark circles to begin with.
How to avoid getting dark circles under the eyes

You can remove some of the swelling that comes with dark circles, with a quick massage around your eyes. It can damily increase blood circulation and drain the area of ​​extra fluid.

To prevent swelling and dark circles under the eyes, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. Although cosmetic products can help with the problem, it is best to prevent rather than treat.

These beauty flaws are the result of fluid retention, hormonal changes and unhealthy habits. Many people often do not take much care of their eyes in their ordinary beauty routine.

Swelling and dark circles are not dangerous, but many people think it is not very nice. Therefore, many would like to get rid of them. Here are some tips to help you avoid getting dark circles to begin with.

Why do you get dark circles under the eyes?

woman looking at skin under the eye

Before you start reading the following tips, to prevent swelling and dark circles, it is worth reviewing their primary causes. Since some of them are associated with lifestyle, it would be good to consider ways to prevent them from appearing so that they do not make further changes around the eyes.

  • Stains due to excessive melanin or exposure to the sun (hyperpigmentation)
  • Sudden hormonal changes
  • Taking medications such as cortisone and vasodilators
  • Lack of sleep or awakenings in sleep
  • To rub the eyes too hard
  • Fluid retention or edema
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, such as hypothyroidism
  • Inadequate nutrition
  • Premature aging

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How to avoid swelling and dark circles

To respond to the need to prevent swelling and dark circles, the cosmetic industry has developed a wide variety of creams that cover sensitive skin. On the other hand, professional treatments consisting of lasers and pulsed light have also been designed.

However, there are several possible recommendations that will allow you to control them naturally, without burning a hole in your wallet. In fact,  it is a good idea to introduce them as a supplement to any treatment. Put them into practice!

1. Sleep well to avoid dark circles

Having a good quality sleep is a crucial factor in keeping your skin in a good condition. Therefore, if your goal is to prevent swelling and dark circles, make sure you get enough hours of sleep. 


  • Try to get about 7 and 8 hours of daily sleep, without any interruptions. If you have trouble sleeping, drink a relaxing decoction and find out how much more comfortable your sleep will be.

2. Always remove your make-up to take care of your skin

A fundamental step to looking good, and keeping your face straight, is by removing your make-up every night before going to bed. Although cosmetic products help you look good through the day,  it will end up giving you dark circles and beauty flaws if you leave it on through the night. 


  • Rub some essential male oil on your skin to help remove the make-up.
  • Also, if you prefer, you can use a cleansing cream or cleansing milk.

Limit your salt intake to prevent swelling and dark circles

Having a diet high in salt is a challenge to prevent swelling and dark circles under the eyes. This is due to the fact that salt retains fluid, which increases swelling  and decreases circulation.


  • Instead of using salt in your food, use herbs and spices, such as oregano, thyme, bay leaf and turmeric.
  • Also, check the labels on food products and avoid those that contain too much sodium.

Also read: Salt can be replaced with these 8 spices

4. Eat green vegetables to avoid getting dark circles

Green leafy vegetables are very beneficial for your skin. This is because they can  help optimize the oxygen process, to prevent the area around your eyes from rising. By the way, they are antioxidants that prevent premature aging.


  • Add more green vegetables to your diet by making salads or smoothies. Eat them raw  to utilize their nutrients 100%.

5. Increase your water intake to reduce swelling and dark circles

Dehydration can lead to the development of several changes in the skin of your face. In addition to causing dryness, it can weaken the tissues and  produce beauty flaws, such as dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes. 


  • Drink about 7 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • If you prefer, you can make herbal and fruit decoctions or juices.

6. Eat citrus fruits

Citrus fruits, and other sources of vitamin C, can help increase collagen production. This substance not only prevents wrinkles from appearing, but also keeps the sensitive skin around your eyes firm. 


  • Do not think extra about consuming more oranges, grapefruits, lemons and other citrus fruits in your regular diet.
  • If you want, you can drink them as juice or use them in smoothies.

7. Use sunscreen to take care of your skin

woman with sunscreen on cheek without dark circles

The influence of the sun’s UV rays is a huge cause of hyperpigmentation in the area around the eyes. It also weakens the tissues, and contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.


  • Use sunscreen or sunscreen.
  • For extra protection,  wear sunglasses every day.

8. Massage the area around your eyes

A quick massage with your fingertips can create lymphatic drainage, which can reduce these beauty flaws. It is ideal to  supplement with some essential oils or creams  as it will allow a better stimulation of the circulation.


  • Apply several drops of coconut or almond oil on the area around your eyes, and rub it gently with circular motions, using your fingertips.
  • Do it  every night before bedtime. 

9. Use cucumber slices against swelling and dark circles

Cucumber is still the classic remedy for swelling and dark circles. Due to its anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties, this vegetable corrects these changes and it helps you look fresh again. It also acts as a plasticizer and reduces potential irritations in the area.


  • Cut several slices of cucumber and place them in the freezer.
  • Next, when they are cold, put them on your eyes, which you should keep closed for 5 minutes.

10. Exercise can also help the health of your skin

Exercise in itself does not remove dark circles. However, by exercising on a regular basis, it can promote good circulation and help reduce swelling. These effects improve the oxygenation of the skin and it allows you to maintain a healthy expression on the face.


  • Exercise at least 20 minutes a day.
  • If you can not go to the gym, work out at home, or do alternative activities, such as dancing or cycling.

Have you noticed that your face looks tired, due to swelling and dark circles all the time? Follow these tips and say goodbye to these beauty flaws! Although they probably do not disappear miraculously, they will gradually minimize the symptoms. 

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