How Stress Affects Your Spine

Although we may not connect the two, stress can be one of the factors that affect the health of our spine because it causes tension
This is how stress affects your spine

Stress always has consequences for your health in one way or another. In this article, we share with you all the changes and irregularities that have been caused in this area due to stress. This is how stress affects your spine

It has also been shown that high stress levels increase the risk of developing psychosomatic diseases. In addition, they also have an effect on the spine.

1. How stress affects your spine: Pain in the upper cervical part of the spine


Pain problems in the neck area are often due to psychological trauma. This may be due to an excessive degree of responsibility and problems.

When the body is stressed, it reacts in this way.

2. Higher likelihood of developing scoliosis

With stress, we are more likely to end up developing scoliosis. This is a disease that can occur if the person has to spend time with his / her back bent under certain circumstances.

This happens especially when people are exposed to a lot of pressure at home or in the workplace.

3. Pain in the lower part of the spine

Diagram of spine

Pain in the waist

Stress can also cause severe pain in the lower back, almost at the waist level.

If you find that you are suffering from this kind of problem for no apparent reason and you have not taken on it, it is likely that the cause of your problem may be psychological.

  • Stress and worry often arise due to work or personal problems. Try to identify what worries you and solve it.

Pain in the coccyx

The coccyx often suffers  from stress.

This area is often particularly sore if you have had an injury in the past.

Try to strengthen your abdominal muscles and lower back. That way, you can maintain the health of your spine.

All in all, keep in mind that it is the abdominal area that supports your body and helps reduce the strain of the weight of the back.

Thus, strong abdominal muscles will give you the best natural support for your spine.

Other causes that cause spine problems

Woman sitting at the computer - affects stress
  • Problems related to one’s posture. These are more common than we think because due to factors like working for a long time in the same position we end up with problems like torticollis.
  • Degenerative problems are largely due to wear and tear of the joints, such as Osteoarthritis.
  • Problems related to the intervertebral discs, which are responsible for supporting and protecting the vertebra, also cause damage to the spine.
  • It is also sometimes caused by injuries due to accidents, displacements, sprains, hernias and muscle ulcers.
  • Finally, another motive is the possibility of having an infection in the skeleton or the neurological system. Problems like tuberculosis or meningitis, or tumors or inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis fit into this category. But it is not very common.

This is how stress affects your spine and you can do about it

In any case, it is necessary to apply a variety of treatments to get rid of this discomfort.

Overall, there are specific treatments for each case:

This can be done with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, surgery or transplants.
Therapies tend to come along with rehabilitation exercises to regain joint function and the affected muscles.

Of course, there is no need to undergo treatment to end the physical pain if you fail to identify the source of the stress that is causing this problem.

If you are a person who is constantly exposed to stressful situations, do not let it affect the nervous system.

To achieve this then adopt a number of habits that will allow you to take care of this area of ​​your body. Do them regularly before you develop any kind of injury or more serious problem.

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