How Is A Prostate Examination Performed?

It is important for men of certain ages to have a prostate examination. It allows for the detection of prostate cancer in time so that it can be treated immediately.
How is a prostate examination performed?

A prostate examination is something that is taboo among men. For many, it means an invasion of privacy that they do not want to experience. However, it is a study that has become more and more accepted over time.

The prostate is a gland that only men possess. It is located under the bladder and encloses the upper part of the urethra. It forms a secretion that later becomes semen.

Over the years, the prostate gradually increases in size. This is a phenomenon that occurs in all men. We know that at the age of 80, almost 70% of men have abnormal prostate growth. 

Prostate cancer is the most aggressive and deadly form. Furthermore, it is one of the most common cancers among men and it has a marked mortality rate.

A prostate examination is therefore a preventive tool for men. It involves two parts: a PSA test and a digital rectal exam. If one or both examinations give suspicious results, the doctors will proceed to a prostate biopsy.

But before we take a closer look at the various prostate examinations, we need to take a closer look at who it is that is going to undergo these examinations.

Who should undergo a prostate examination?

It is important to emphasize that the prostate examination is not for all men. Medical science has established ages and protocols to determine who can benefit from a study.

The primary parameters are related to the patient’s age:

  • Over 50. These men should undergo a prostate examination every one or two years.
  • Between 45-50. This age group should have the study performed if they meet certain risk factors. This could be, for example, if they are of black origin or if they have a family member who has previously been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
  • Under 40. It is rare for people under 40 to have to undergo a prostate examination.

When the doctor thinks a prostate examination is needed, he or she will request a PSA test and a digital rectal examination. This is performed using a blood test as well as a digital rectal examination at the doctor.

If the results are normal, the patient should be re-examined one year later. In some cases where no risk factors are present, the patient may be satisfied with a PSA test every two years.

Elderly man sitting on edge of bed in pain

PSA test

The PSA test is part of the prostate test. It consists of measuring the blood levels of a substance produced by the prostate gland. If the patient has cancer, this antigen is elevated and this detection will alert about the disease.

PSA levels can also rise due to other non-cancerous causes. The following may cause elevated PSA levels:

  • A transrectal ultrasound scan.
  • Prostatitis – Prostate infections raise PSA levels.
  • Enlargement of the prostate – also called benign prostatic hyperplasia. This changes PSA levels, but in a less powerful way than cancer.

The standard reference value of PSA in men is less than 4 ng / mL. When it is between 4 and 10 ng / mL, there is a risk of prostate cancer. If the PSA level is higher than 10, the risk of cancer is very high.

Digital rectal examination

The digital rectal examination is another part of the prostate examination. The examination consists of inserting a finger into the patient’s rectum to palpate the gland. 

The procedure is performed with gloves and lubrication to reduce the discomfort. It is best if the patient lies down in the fetal position as it will create less discomfort and pain.

The doctor will palpate the prostate gland, which is close to the rectum. This study makes this possible. The doctor will examine for nodules or hardening that are signs of an abnormal process. 

They will require further investigation if they detect abnormality. This is especially true if it is combined with an elevated PSA score.

Man is being examined by the doctor

What to do after a prostate examination that has shown abnormality?

The next step will be imaging to make a diagnosis. The doctor may ask for ultrasound scans and a gland biopsy if necessary.

It is important to detect problems well in advance. If they are detected early, any tumor can usually be treated completely. Doctors encourage men to undergo a prostate examination due to its effectiveness in reducing fatal cases of prostate cancer.

It is important that men let go of their fears so that they can have this examination done when necessary. An annual check can extend one’s life significantly.

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