Home Treatment For Scars And Wrinkles With Few Ingredients

In addition to this natural scar and wrinkle treatment, it is also important to eat a healthy diet and drink enough fluids.
Home treatment for scars and wrinkles with few ingredients

Environmental toxins, dehydration and sustained exposure to the sun’s UV rays can speed up the skin’s aging process and at the same time create beauty flaws such as wrinkles and scars. Fortunately, we will share a home treatment for scars and wrinkles with you in today’s article. Read on and learn how to make your very own home treatment for scars.

These usually occur over time, but some people get them at even earlier ages because they do not take proper care of their skin.

And even if a lot of people just ignore them, then your skin is delicate and it requires special wrinkle treatment to undergo the regenerative process.

But luckily, you do not have to spend large sums of money on expensive creams and treatments sold in stores.

Thanks to the properties of some natural ingredients, you can make amazing homemade products for young, renewed skin.

Below we would like to share a special recipe with you – you only need two ingredients!

Try to give it a try!

Home treatment for scars and wrinkles

Although some skin marks are permanent, persistent use of this home treatment can help soften them.

This recipe combines coconut oil with baking soda, which are two well-known ingredients due to their use in natural medicine, cosmetics and at home.

Coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids and antioxidants, which not only improve health but are also excellent allies for the skin when applied topically.

In fact, some people swear that it is the best natural moisturizer and is the best alternative to conventional body creams.

Make a home treatment for scars with coconut oil

These oily compositions help restore skin moisture without changing pH levels or creating too much oil.

It contains antibacterial and anti-fungal substances that help prevent skin infections and blemishes such as acne.

It is also a great source of vitamin E, an antioxidant known for its ability to prevent and reduce premature wrinkles.

The combination of coconut oil with the exfoliating properties of baking soda helps to create a 100% natural anti-wrinkle treatment with several other benefits for the skin.

How to prepare this anti-scar and wrinkle treatment

coconut oil

Because both of these ingredients provide several benefits to the skin, the combination of them can be used to treat wrinkles, scars, discoloration and other changes that you may consider anti-aesthetic. You should definitely use organic coconut oil because refined versions do not contain the same nutritional quality, which therefore reduces their effectiveness.


  • 6 1/2 tbsp. solid coconut oil (100 g)
  • 4 tbsp. Sodium (40 g)
  • 1 glass jar


  • Pour coconut oil into the glass jar, then add the baking soda.
  • Stir with a wooden spoon and make sure everything is well mixed.
  • If you like, you can add a few drops of vitamin E oil to help the preservation get started.
  • Close the jar and store it in a cool, dry place.
  • Under good conditions, this can last for up to three months.

Mode of application

  • Wash your entire face with warm water and a neutral soap.
  • Make sure there is no makeup on your face, then apply the treatment.
  • Using the required amount, massage it on your face in a circular motion and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • If you want, you can also apply it to your neck and collar area, which are two areas that are often forgotten.
  • After the recommended period, rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply three or four times a week, preferably in the evening.

Keep in mind!

This simple solution is not a “miracle” formula, nor is it 100% effective against wrinkles. Applying it helps speed up skin regeneration and reduces imperfections.

It is therefore important that you remember that these effects depend on your skin type and lifestyle habits.

Daily intake of water and antioxidant foods is important in the treatment of wrinkles and scars.

You should also keep in mind that it is important to use sunscreen, even on cloudy days.

While these measures may seem irrelevant, they are essential for maintaining healthy, unchanged skin.

So go ahead and get started doing this home remedy for scars and wrinkles! You will quickly find out that you do not have to spend a lot of money to get a radiant skin.

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