Get Rid Of Bacteria And Dead Skin Cells On The Feet

Do you have sore, itchy, smelly or dry feet? This easy natural remedy can help remove dead skin cells, kill bacteria and keep your feet beautiful and healthy.
Get rid of bacteria and dead skin cells on the feet

One’s feet are the support of the body. In this article we will talk about how you can get rid of bacteria and dead skin cells on your feet!

Despite the fact that they are so important,  they are also one of those areas that we often forget to take care of.

One’s feet are constantly exposed to the floor, socks or shoes, and the effects of the climate. Because of this, they are typically dry, get fungus and undergo other changes that affect one’s health.

The most disturbing thing is that as the days go by, the problems become more noticeable. They can cause pain, hardness, cracked skin and other unpleasant symptoms.

Fortunately, one does not have to pay for expensive treatments to treat them. There are 100% natural ingredients that let us keep our feet healthy without spending a fortune.

In addition to helping get rid of bacteria, it also makes one’s skin smooth and reduces hard skin and removes dead skin cells on the feet.

How to get rid of bacteria and dead skin cells on the feet


In fact, the beauty industry produces many products to take care of one’s feet. These typically help the skin of the feet while  reducing infections caused by fungus and bacteria.

However, there have always been natural ingredients that give similar results. More importantly  , they do this without the need for harsh chemicals.

Among these  we find the amazing apple cider vinegar. This is a product found in many homes, both for its uses in the food world as well as for medical use.

This type of vinegar is made through the fermentation of natural apple juice. It is  a natural remedy with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. One can benefit from these properties both through external and internal use.


For decades, it has been one of the wonderful means of caring for both the feet and the nails. This is because it is  an excellent disinfectant and it removes dead skin cells.

There are some people who prefer clear vinegar. However, it has been proven that the vinegar we get from apples also has some amazing benefits.

For example, regular use can  help reduce fungal infections. It then reduces dry skin and itching caused by infections.

It is also an excellent natural sedative. This is because it  helps reduce tension caused by walking in high heels or after a long day at work.

It is naturally emollient and it reduces the presence of dead skin cells on the feet, hard skin and other imperfections that affect the appearance of one’s feet.

It even works by neutralizing odors  due to its acidic nature. It helps those who suffer from foul-smelling feet and excessive sweating.

In fact, it also contains a significant amount of acetic acid. This even allows it to act as a natural remedy for wrinkles and cracked skin. In addition  , it also promotes the healing of small wounds.

Finally, the best part of all this is that it gives the feet the extra healthy moisture that they need.

How to make a remedy with vinegar for your feet

Woman taking foot bath

There are all sorts of tricks one can use to take advantage of the properties of apple cider vinegar. This is also the case when it comes to taking care of his feet.

First of all, it is important to note that  one should not apply it directly on one’s skin. This is because it contains some substances that can be aggressive. It should always be dissolved with water to get the best results.

The easiest way to do this is with a 20 minute long foot bath. One can  compliment this foot bath with salt or essential oils.


  • 125 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 2 liters of lukewarm water
  • 10 drops of an essential oil of your choice
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda (optional)

Course of action

  • Heat the water to a temperature your feet can endure. Then mix in the apple cider vinegar.
  • Put the mixture with apple cider vinegar in a tub. Add the drops of essential oil.
  • Sit in a comfortable place and dip your feet in the bath for  20 to 30 minutes.
  • If you wish, you can add a tablespoon of baking soda to increase the bath’s exfoliating properties.
  • Repeat the treatment  every night for a month  to completely restore the look and feel of the feet.

Something to keep in mind

The effects of this natural remedy can vary from person to person. This is because the  ingredients work differently on each skin type.

You will not be able to see results in a single night. One will have to apply this treatment continuously to be able to see a difference.

Apple cider vinegar usually does not have any side effects. However, we recommend that you try a little bit first before doing a complete treatment.

To get feet that are healthy, soft and look nice, it would be wise to combine this treatment with something else. You can also make a daily application of a natural moisturizing cream.

Have you already tried it to remove dead skin cells on your feet?

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