Find Out What Your Stomach Type Says About You

Find out what your stomach type says about you

No one can deny that there are different types of stomachs. There are those stomachs that are formed due to eating too much fatty food, those that appear due to swelling or fluid retention and even those that are formed as a result of having given birth. Each stomach type needs a different approach to get them back in shape. In this article we will tell you more about this topic.

What does your stomach type say about you?

Many women dream of having a flat stomach. Some of them follow strict diets and others go to the gym to work towards this goal.

But there are some women who can not achieve their goals. Why? Because they do not adopt a particular approach to losing belly fat according to their belly type.

Once you know (and accept) the shape that most closely resembles your stomach, you will be able to take the right path that will give you the best results.

Losing belly fat is not just about doing a thousand abdominal crunches a day and starving yourself. There are other effective and less stringent techniques you can follow.

The different types of stomach are:

Stomach type 1: A bloated stomach

The main feature of this belly type is that they are flatter in the morning than they are in the afternoon.

The swelling increases as the hours go by, either due to accumulation of air in the stomach or indigestion.

This type of stomach can affect both obese and thin women and is related to food intolerance, allergies or “lazy bowels” that appear when their diet is deficient.

stomach type

This means that if your stomach is used to always consuming the same foods (for example, this week, you eat the same thing several times), you will find it harder to realize that you are not tolerating them.

The most common intolerances are lactose, yeast, alcohol and wheat or gluten. To test if you have any of these types of intolerance  , you can stop eating some of these food groups to analyze which ones cause swelling.

Once you have figured out what types of foods are causing the problem, the next step is to eliminate them from your diet. Also, if you have a lazy gut you need to take it outside its comfort zone to address your food intolerance.

That means consuming a different and more generous breakfast or not consuming foods or beverages you are used to, such as a cup of coffee in the middle of the morning.

We also recommend that you:

  • Do not eat too late in the evening.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day.
  • Intake healthy probiotics to promote the work of the intestinal flora of your body.

Stomach type 2: Postpartum stomach

If you have just given birth (even two years ago) it is possible that you may have a belly bulging out at the bottom.

After pregnancy, the uterus sinks and becomes heavier. It may be necessary to wait at least six weeks for your stomach to return to normal, although it can sometimes take much longer.

This does not mean that you should start exercising the day after you give birth. In fact, doctors suggest waiting three months to exercise. You should also not think continuously about the weight that you have gained during pregnancy.

All you need to worry about during this period is your and your child’s health.

When you are a little more relaxed and want to start taking care of your body, we recommend taking fish oil supplements that help burn fat and reduce the production of “needy” hormones found in foods.

Another option is to consume good fatty acids, which are found in avocados, salmon and chia seeds. These types of acids provide the body with many nutrients, fight fatigue and absorb vitamins.

In order for your stomach to get stronger, you need to perform the pelvis and not abdominal exercises because the latter is meant for muscles that are already in good shape. The most well known form of pelvic exercises is Kegel exercises.

After birth, our pelvic floor tears free and must be allowed to recover.

Stomach type 3: Lower abdominal bulge

This is the typical stomach in women who have a very demanding career or in mothers who are too busy.

Women who go to the gym or are on a diet but always repeat the same exercises and eat the same dishes also tend to have a lower abdominal bulge.

The other parts of their bodies look good, but their lower abdominal bulge destroys their silhouette.

Bad habits related to this type of abdomen are excessive abdominal muscle routines or routines that do not change, such as always going for spinning.

These exercises burn fat from the hips, legs or arms, but not from the abdomen.

In addition, good nutrition is important to remove this lower stomach bulge. This will prevent constipation or bloating.

  • Eat more leafy vegetables as well as more whole grains and fruits.
  • Change your abdominal muscle exercises and perform arm bends or resistance exercises instead.
  • Start performing circle workouts that include strength and aerobic exercises. For example, you can perform squats, or jump skipping rope.

Stomach type 4: Stress Stomach

Sitting at the computer and eating snacks in your office for many hours is detrimental to health in many ways. One of the biggest drawbacks is that you accumulate fat in your stomach.

This type of abdomen is characterized by a hard and prominent swelling in the area going from the diaphragm to the navel.

This is due not only to the unhealthy food we eat, but also to the production of a hormone called cortisol, which leads to the accumulation of fat around the stomach.

If you consume too much caffeine, eat a lot of fast food and do not have regular eating plans, then you will be more likely to develop this stomach type.

One way to avoid this is by resting more as this will help your body to regulate itself and will help you eat less as you will experience less anxiety.

In addition, you can combat fatigue by eating nutritious foods such as nuts, e.g.

Finally, you should also reduce your coffee consumption to two cups a day and perform more relaxing exercises than aerobics, such as yoga, tai chi, or going for a walk in the park.

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