Enlarged Pores? Try These 3 Stitches!

You should apply these masks immediately after a hot bath. The steam helps open the pores, making them more effective.
Enlarged pores?  Try these 3 stitches!

Enlarged pores are very common today. Many people use makeup to try to cover them up. But before you try to hide them, why not learn about what causes pores to expand? We will explain it in today’s article.

1. What causes enlarged pores?

They can be really annoying. You know that it is not due to any disease and that there are not really any side effects. But you just do not like them. Lots of women choose to hide their pores using makeup, but it can sometimes aggravate the situation.

By clogging pores with makeup or other substances, it can actually make it look worse. The more common causes of enlarged pores lie in the type of skin color you have, as well as the following:

Remember that your skin contains glands that constantly produce sebum. You see your pores open when your skin releases this substance.

Pores may appear larger or smaller due to your genetic makeup, excess oil or sweat, or poor skin care habits.

Larger pores produce more sebum. This is not a bad thing at all – on the contrary. It helps fight infections and lubricates your skin, but of course this also means you want a more shiny face with more visible pores.

The area where enlarged pores are most obvious is the nose.

Masks that can help reduce the visibility and size of your pores.

1. Wheat flour and lemon mask

  • ½ cup of warm water
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • Juice from ½ lemon

Why is this mask a good choice for treating enlarged pores? Remember that lemon juice is a great astringent that helps remove excess oil, blackheads and reduces the size of the pores.

As for wheat, it is incredibly beneficial for your skin. Wheat contains zinc, vitamin E, and complex B vitamins. This provides nutrients that the skin needs, reduces oil, moisturizes, provides elasticity and helps close pores. Want to know how to make the mask?

  • It’s a very simple recipe. Just make a puree that is thick enough to apply on your face. Mix flour, lemon and water together until homogeneous.
  • Apply the puree on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes, try to keep your facial muscles relaxed.
  • Rinse with cold water and apply your normal moisturizer.
  • This mask is great to use twice a week, in the evening.
Woman with mask

2. Aloe vera and orange mask

  • Juice from 1 orange
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

This combination may surprise you, but it is one of the most effective ways to treat enlarged pores. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which exfoliates the skin and cleanses the pores. They also contain alpha hydroxy acid, which helps close the pores little by little.

Aloe vera is great for the skin. It helps balance your complexion, clarifies and tones your face, while removing any blemishes. Now pay attention to how we make this mask.

  • Start with your orange juice.
  • Scrape a tablespoon of aloe vera gel from a fresh leaf.
  • Heat the orange juice and add the aloe vera little by little to ensure that the ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
  • When you have a homogeneous mixture, let it cool a bit, but make sure it is kept warm.
  • Apply the mask using a cotton ball.
  • Let it sit for about 20 minutes before cleaning with cold water.
  • Apply your normal moisturizer.
Sliced ​​orange

3. Baking soda and egg white mask

  • ½ cup of milk
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 egg white

This is an ideal pore-reducing agent. The baking soda acts as an astringent, exfoliates and cleanses the skin. When you combine it with milk and egg white, you nourish and tone the skin. Here’s how to make it:

  • Heat some milk until lukewarm.
  • Add a small tablespoon of baking soda, along with the egg whites.
  • You can either use a blender or a spoon to mix thoroughly. You want everything to be homogeneous.
  • This mask is very liquid, so use a cotton ball to apply on your skin.
  • All you want here is to massage your skin with this mask instead of letting it sit. Use circular motions when applying it, to tone and stimulate your pores.
  • This is a great treatment for two days a week. After massaging your face for 15 minutes, cleanse with cold water and apply your normal moisturizer. Super easy.
Woman with salt on her cheek

Finally, we should mention that these masks work best if you use them after a  hot shower. The steam opens your pores and helps the natural remedies work better.

Apply any mask you want. All are ideal for oily or combination skin. It is a good idea to wash your face thoroughly first, and then use your normal moisturizer. Little by little you will notice the size of your pores decreases.

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