Diagnostic Methods For Arterial Fibrillation

The diagnosis of arterial fibrillation is performed primarily through an electrocardiogram.
Diagnostic methods for arterial fibrillation

Arterial fibrillation is one of the most common forms of arrhythmia. Due to its high prevalence, it is important to know how to diagnose it.

The diagnosis of arterial fibrillation is performed primarily through an electrocardiogram. Medical centers have to perform very precise studies as there are many types of known arrhythmias.

correct and early diagnosis will enable patients to manage the disease better, by making changes in their living and eating habits, as well as establishing a treatment as early as possible.

Read on in this article if you would like to know the possible causes and diagnostic methods of this disease.

What is arterial fibrillation?

anatomical drawing of heart in human body

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This is a medical term that refers to a disorder of the heart. During arterial fibrillation, the natural electrical signals are altered. In general, these nerve impulses control the contraction and relaxation of the heart. According to the specialized portal, Medline Plus, the consequences are as follows:

“Arterial fibrillation can lead to an increased risk of stroke. In many patients, it can also cause chest pain, heart attack or heart failure. ”

What happens is that the arteries (the upper chambers of the heart) contract in an irregular and uncoordinated way with the ventricles (the lower chambers of the heart).

Forms of arterial fibrillation and risk groups

Usually, this disorder often occurs  in people over 65 years of age. However, there are clinical cases in different age groups. On the other hand, due to unknown causes, it is more common in men than women.

Likewise, it is possible to differentiate between  two types of arterial fibrillation, according to their characteristics: 

  • Chronic. In this case, the arterial fibrillation has been there for some time and therapy is needed to relieve the symptoms.
  • Paroxysmal. This change occurs randomly and the accompanying symptoms are corrected by themselves again.

In any case, this disorder can have serious consequences. Among the common risks are cerebral infarction and heart-related arrhythmia, or heart rhythm disturbances.

What are the possible causes of arterial fibrillation?

arterial fibrillation and defibrillators

Arterial fibrillation can occur or be triggered by several, delayed causes.

At present, science has  not been able to identify the exact cause or trigger of this disorder. However, there are a myriad of medical conditions and risks that can lead to arterial fibrillation.

Among them are  heart disease or diseases that affect the heart. For example:

  • Pericarditis or inflammation of the pericardium (the thin layer that surrounds and protects this organ)
  • Myocarditis or inflammation of the myocardium (heart muscle)
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Defects in the heart valves or changes in the heart valves inside the heart
  • Injury due to a surgical operation on the heart
  • Smoking or consuming alcohol and / or drugs
  • Medicines that can cause heart damage
  • Disorders of the respiratory system,  such as COPD
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Other disorders, such as sleep apnea

This is how doctors diagnose arterial fibrillation

medical equipment and charts

The diagnosis of arterial fibrillation allows you to rule out other, possible arrhythmias, and other possible causes.

The medical team will perform a series of medical tests to diagnose arterial fibrillation. That way, they will be able to rule out other diseases with similar characteristics.

The  most common diagnostic methods  are:

Electrocardiogram, or ECG

Doctors perform this test by placing a few devices, called electrodes, on the chest and arms of the patient. These devices are designed to  capture the electrical signals that control the movements of the heart. Next, a graphical representation of the nerve impulses will emerge.

It is one of the primary diagnostic tests for arterial fibrillation. It can also be found in the form of:

  • Holter monitor. This is a removable ECG in which the patient measures his cardiac activity for 24 hours or more.
  • Episode meter. In this case, the patient activates the equipment when they have symptoms of tachycardia. That way, the patient can easily get a report of the times of the changes. Unlike the Holter monitor, this study is done for a period of several weeks, or even months.


Specialists  project a series of waves through a device, called a transducer,  toward the patient’s chest. These waves reach the heart, and are thrown back, to avoid the cavities of the breast. Later, when processed in a computer, an image of the patient’s heart will appear.

This procedure is called a  transthoracic echocardiogram. However, physicians can also insert it through the patient’s mouth, using a transducer that is covered by a flexible tube. When it reaches the esophagus, the test is performed and more precise details are obtained.

That way, specialists can check the structure of the body and see if there are any plugs. This is a crucial test for the diagnosis of arterial fibrillation.

Other methods

  • Shooting internal images. As a general rule, an x-ray can check the condition of the lungs and heart.
  • Stress test or exercise. A patient performs some short, physical activity while a team of specialists examines the heart’s response.
  • Routine tests. As a rule, doctors require a blood test so that they can rule out any underlying disease. They can do this in case of hyperthyroidism (high levels of hormones from the thyroid gland in the blood), for example. You can also perform other tests to see if the patient has breathing disorders (usually, COPD).

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