Carrulim A Natural Remedy With Vajd And Lemon

Carrulim is a cleansing drink with physical benefits. It helps to renew the body’s energy.
Carrulim a natural remedy with vajd and lemon

Carrulim a natural remedy with vajd and lemon. It’s an old drug from Paraguay. It is a product made from sugar cane liqueur, vajd and lemon. People take it to purify the blood and renew their energy.

In this article you can discover all about this mysterious and surprising medicinal drink.

What is carrulim?

Carrulim is a medicinal alcoholic beverage that, as the name suggests, contains the sugar cane liqueur, vajd and lemon. However, there are some varieties with other ingredients like honey and rosemary.

This drink is manufactured and consumed in Paraguay as well as in neighboring Brazil and Argentina.

Tradition says it should be drunk on August 1 each year. On this day, you can find carrulim on any street corner.

Origin of the remedy


The native Guarani culture of Paraguay recognizes that August is the most difficult month for our health and for our luck in general.

Because of this, they created a means to give the body strength and renew and improve one’s energy.

According to tradition, carrulim is drunk on August 1 because this date represents the second entry of the year. After all, it coincides directly with Paraguay’s winter.

When it comes to how to drink it, there are different options:

  • Some say you should take three sips, while others prefer to drink seven.
  • The most orthodox people choose to use a teaspoon as they say it is so effective that it is almost magical.
  • However, there are others who abuse the drug, which like other alcoholic beverages has negative consequences.



Vajd is known for its energy-saving properties, as it has the ability to remove our bad energy and protect us from any danger.

At the physical level, it improves circulation and digestive functions.

In some cultures , we can see people hanging vajd at the entrance to homes to protect them from any situation that might put them in danger.

If the plant dies, it will be hung up somewhere for additional benefits.

Vajd should not be taken during pregnancy as it is considered as an abortive plant.



A lemon is one of the purest and best fruits we can find to detoxify the body. It helps us eliminate toxins, and despite being acidic, it has the ability to regulate our pH levels and neutralize acid.

This citrus fruit strengthens our immune system and improves liver, kidney and intestinal functions.

The best part of its properties can be found in the shell; the peel can always be eaten if the fruit is organic.


Like vajd, rosemary also has the ability to keep us from bad energy and cleanse our bodies deeply.

On a physical level, it is an excellent plant for digestion as it helps with the liver and intestinal functions.

Rosemary strengthens the immune system and helps us greatly in fighting infections as it acts as a natural antibiotic.

Finally, rosemary stimulates the body, increases blood pressure moderately and helps with blood circulation.

Our drug without alcohol

Herbal remedy - Carrulim a natural remedy

From the old carrulim recipe we have made a more modern non-alcoholic remedy that still contains the medicinal ingredients:


  • 1 organic lemon (we will use the juice and peel)
  • 4 cups water (1 liter)
  • 1/2 tablespoon rosemary (3 g)
  • 1 tablespoon vajd (4 g)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (60 g)

What should you do?

We will make our soothing recipe by doing the following:

  • Squeeze the lemons and save the juice.
  • Bring the water to a boil with lemon zest and rosemary. Let it cook for 15 minutes.
  • When 13 minutes have passed, add vajd.
  • Cover the pan and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Sift the mixtures, add lemon juice and sweeten with honey.
  • Your medicinal drink is now ready.

How do I drink it?

We will drink this remedy at different times:

  • 2 glasses on an empty stomach.
  • 1 glass in the morning.
  • 1 glass in the middle of the afternoon.

You can drink this medicinal drink for 7 days to purify your blood and strengthen your spirit.

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