Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying To You?

Body language is important to know when someone is lying to you. Your body gives you all the signals you need when it comes to deciding if you can trust a particular person or not.
Can you determine if someone is lying to you?

It is very annoying to discover that someone is lying to you. This is not just because lies can do a lot of damage. In addition, it is also due to the fact that there seems to be no way to detect them. However, many experts say that in reality, there are methods and techniques for detecting lies.

First of all, you need to know the subtleties; that is, you need to be able to read and analyze body language in order to determine if someone is lying to you.

You may not be aware of it, but much of what we communicate is not necessarily through words, but through the way we express it. Thus, our body language is much more important than our words – however seductive these may be.

Today we will tell you everything we know about how to spot lies and liars. After all, body language is a language we should all learn to understand.

The basis for deception

Woman looking away while man talking to her

First of all, it is important to study the person you suspect is lying. Focus on them and analyze them silently for at least a few minutes.

Pay special attention to how they behave when relaxed. In addition, you need to pay attention to their attitude, their expression and their context.

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Your eyes are not the only part of your body that can give you a lot of important information when someone is lying. In the same way, their eyes can give you even more. The trick is that these signals are sometimes complicated to identify. In fact, many people may make us think they are honest because they already know tricks to cover body signals.

The natural, honest behavior that takes place during a conversation includes looking into your eyes for a few seconds and then diverting the gaze for a few seconds, only to look back into your eyes again.

Be suspicious of those who look directly into your eyes and hold your gaze when they tell you something. Also pay attention to those who immediately lower their gaze when they are told something important.

Posture can reveal when someone is lying to you

Nervous behavior manifests itself in a person’s attitude as it is not directed at you. Also, if someone you are talking to has their feet or body pointing away from you, it is a sign. This usually means that the person is uncomfortable with you, is not aware of the conversation and may even be eager to get out of it.

If this is the case then let them go.

Hands and arms

If their arms and hands are within your sight, it means the person is ready for the conversation and is interested. But if they hide their arms and hands behind them, it may be because they are hiding something.

Pay attention to how they answer phone calls. Do they turn their backs on you and walk away? Start trusting them if this happens, because it’s like someone giving you a fake smile.

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Signs that someone is lying to you

You can also keep an eye on the person's pupils, to try to determine if the person is lying

In general, there are patterns and signs that are recurring in people who often lie. We tell you what these signs are so you can pay more attention to them. Thus, the next time you talk to someone, you will be more attentive and be able to see for yourself if these theories are correct:

  • First, a liar behaves abnormally.
  • Second, we can usually detect a lie when the person often pauses and takes longer to respond.
  • It may also be that the person is lying when he or she asks for questions to be repeated.
  • Contraction of the lips can also be a sign.
  • When they avoid the questions asked, they may be preparing to lie. This is also the case if they avoid giving details about something you ask about.
  • If they do not cooperate and their attitude is negative, it is possible they are lying.
  • Further, if their pupils are dilated and their voice pitch is higher than normal, this is a very obvious sign.

Everybody lies

Crossed fingers behind the back symbolize lying

Finally, keep in mind that we all lie at some point, and that does not necessarily mean that we are trying to deceive anyone.

Although we all claim to want honesty, very few people can really handle the truth without being personally offended and / or hurt. After all, what if your husband told you that your jeans actually make you look fat? Or what if your wife told you she did not have an orgasm instead of fake it?

It’s not easy to be completely honest, nor is it always the best option.

Of course, some people lie more than others, and many of them are certainly not out for anything good. These are the ones you need to be aware of. A good liar hides it thanks to rehearsed abilities. In fact, they play with the ambiguity in communication; manages to distort information and hide details.

Either way, there are certain reasons why people lie. The:

  • Is afraid of the consequences.
  • Do not want to take responsibility.
  • Will not hurt a loved one.
  • Will avoid embarrassment.
  • Have a desire to manipulate others.

As you can see, there are different kinds of lies and liars, just as we are all different. Now that you know a little more about lies, you can pay attention to the signals we have mentioned so you can catch a liar yourself.

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