Benefits Of Physical Activity In Connection With Anxiety And Panic

There are countless benefits to regular physical activity. First, it can help you deal with anxiety and panic. Find out everything you need to know about it in this article!
Benefits of physical activity in connection with anxiety and panic

The various benefits of physical activity associated with anxiety and panic attacks are innumerable. This is especially good to know because it is unfortunately common disorders in recent times.

The fast pace of modern life and our excessive drive for success make it so that the only way to maintain it is by being in a state dominated by anxiety, which is dangerous. Therefore, we need to look for healthy methods to prevent anxiety and stress.

Let’s take a closer look at it.

Benefits of physical activity in connection with anxiety and panic

Regular physical activity helps to improve mood and increase the feeling of well-being. Therefore, people who are anxious should exercise.

A study by Dr. Canan on the relationship between physical activity and anxiety concludes that exercise can reduce the level of symptom anxiety. It is the anxiety reaction that is experienced in a specific and limited situation.

Similarly, other research conducted by a team from the University of Oslo in Norway indicates that regular exercise can reduce the level of generalized anxiety disorder.

This is especially true of those associated with biological factors and personality factors, which are typical of people who tend to be more anxious, impressionable, with a tendency to overestimate risks and high alertness.

With regard to panic attacks, many people with this disorder fear the symptoms that accompany them. In fact, they are aware of any small change in their heart rate, sweating, breathing, etc.

A woman who runs

Biological benefits of physical activity associated with anxiety and panic attacks

We already know that physical activity improves the regulation of the cardiovascular system by affecting the autonomic nervous system. At least that is what research from the Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador suggests. This improvement can increase the body’s ability to modulate its response to environmental demands.

In addition, this study conducted by the Universidad de Costa Rica shows that exercise promotes a long-term increase in serotonin (the neurotransmitter for well-being). It is the one that is involved in the body’s response to stress. This is because the increase in serotonin levels at the brain level can improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Physical activity also contributes to the stimulation of the pituitary gland, which is involved in the production of endorphins. These hormones are like morphine and are linked to neurotransmitter functions. They are part of the regulation of pain and the feeling of well-being.

Psychological benefits of physical activity in connection with anxiety and panic

In terms of psychological mechanisms, regular exercise improves mood. It may also be helpful for patients experiencing insomnia, according to this study conducted by a team from the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil.

Exercise increases the feeling of strength, security and control over yourself and the environment. In this respect, it contributes to a better perception of one’s own ability.

A weekly physical activity can optimize self-esteem, as changes in the body help to improve your perception of the body. They also promote feelings of greater mastery of skills and physical abilities. It is important to choose the ones that are comfortable so that one will perform them regularly.

Prescribing physical activity to patients with panic disorder has several benefits. This is not only because of the traditional virtues, but also because self-marginalized panic patients need to get out of their homes. Thus, physical activity is a way of socializing with other people, either in open spaces or in gyms.

The idea is that the person should be more social and get out of his seclusion. This activates their endorphins and has a positive effect on their body.

Two people stretch out

Get connected to yourself through training

Everyone should set aside time to exercise. Physical activity should not be ignored because it is very important. However, most people are rarely aware of this, unfortunately.

Many people go to work if it is close, while others go when they need to shop. However, it is never about the activity itself.

There is nothing wrong with these activities. But you need to give exercise its fair place in your life: It’s a moment just for you, and that’s the goal.

As you can see, it is important to make a connection with the earth, the music in your headphones or the sound of nature. All of these things help relieve stress.

In fact, talking about physical activity is talking about body language and connection. It makes it possible to promote and develop more personal resources, improve aesthetics, health, self-esteem and basically maintain peace of mind. You need to connect with yourself by being able to discover what is good for you, and exercise helps to do just that!

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