Asymmetrical Faces: What Causes Them And How They Are Treated

An asymmetrical face can give a person a special charm. Therefore, it should only be treated if it causes functional or psychosocial problems.
Asymmetrical faces: What causes them and how they are treated

Asymmetrical faces or “facial asymmetry” is a condition in which there are differences between the two sides of the face. When we say the two sides, we are referring to the sections that arise by drawing an imaginary vertical line down the center of the face.

In general, asymmetrical faces appear in two modalities. One is when disharmony is in the jaw. The second is when multiple bones are involved. In the latter case, cheekbones, eye sockets, nose and forehead, etc. may be affected.

Sometimes the asymmetry stems from a disharmony of muscles, skin or nerves. Whatever the case, an asymmetrical face only deserves treatment if it is so obvious that it causes psychological or social consequences for the affected person.

What can cause it?

A boy scratching his face

There are several reasons that can lead to the asymmetrical face. The most important are the following.

Congenital torticollis

Congenital torticollis is a contraction of the muscles of the neck that allows rotation of the head. This problem is caused by a poor position of the fetus inside the uterus or the use of a suction cup or forceps during childbirth.

In this case, a deviation of the head to the affected side occurs . This causes the child to bring the ear towards the shoulder and the chin towards the other side. This disharmony is relatively easy to correct.

Dental and jaw problems

In this case, the jaw does not develop properly and this gives rise to an asymmetrical face. Therefore, a bite defect or “malocclusion” occurs. This can occur in the vertical, transverse or anteroposterior plane. Often it not only affects the appearance but also causes problems with eating, talking and even breathing.


This is a congenital condition in which one or more sutures in the baby’s head close earlier than normal. In the baby’s skull, there are plates of bones that are still growing. The edges where these plates meet are the sutures.

Under normal circumstances, the sutures should only close when the child is between 2 and 3 years old. If this happens earlier, it leads to a head with an abnormal shape and consequently an asymmetrical face.

Growth leap

Growth leaps are sudden and accelerated leaps in growth. They are periodic and frequent until 4 years of age. Then the process slows down until puberty, when one of these “growth leaps” occurs again.

Asymmetrical faces can occur during growth spurts associated with puberty. In this condition, one side of the jaw can grow faster than the other.

Hemifacial microsomy

Hemifacial microsomia is a disorder in which one side of the face is not fully developed. In some cases, both sides of the face are affected, or the deformity also involves the skull as a whole.

This anomaly can range from mild to severe. It can affect the shape of the face, but also the ear, teeth, jaws, cheeks and nerves. The cause of this problem is thought to be genetic.

Other causes of asymmetrical faces

There are other factors that can affect the shape of an asymmetrical face. Among them are the following:

  • Aging. Cartilage continues to grow after puberty and this can cause asymmetry in the face over the years.
  • Orthodontics. Tooth extraction and the use of dentures affect the shape of the face.
  • Tobacco consumption. One study revealed a link between smoking and an asymmetrical face.
  • Damage. Trauma can change the shape of the face.
  • Battle. This condition causes numbness in part of the face.
  • Bell’s paralysis. This is a sudden facial paralysis that is almost always temporary.
  • Lifestyle. Recurrent poor posture can lead to deformity of the face.

How to find out if there is facial asymmetry

Sometimes you can detect facial asymmetry with the naked eye, sometimes you can not. If it is not visible, it may not be relevant to detect it either. But if someone wants to check if they have an asymmetrical face, there is a simple method to do so.

It is best to take a picture with your head straight and your face in the foreground. Then do the following:

  • Draw a vertical line from the forehead to the chin.
  • Draw a horizontal line from one eye to the other.
  • Then draw a horizontal line connecting the two ends of the lips.
  • Then draw a line connecting the two opposite points at the widest part of the face.
  • Finally, draw a line between both nostrils.

If the straight lines eventually coincide with the disposition of the face, the person has a symmetrical face. If, on the contrary, it does not agree, then we are talking about facial asymmetry. From a medical point of view, this is irrelevant.

When is treatment of asymmetrical faces necessary?

Asymmetrical faces should only be treated if they cause significant functional or aesthetic problems. That is, when it does not allow the person to perform certain activities or significantly impedes them. Also when appearance generates psychosocial difficulties.

The question of appearance is very subjective. A person may feel that a certain asymmetry in their face is very prominent, even if it is not. If so, however, they would not be a candidate for medical treatment.

Treatments available for asymmetrical faces

A man who needs surgery on his face

Usually, the most notorious cases of asymmetrical faces can be corrected with surgery. This usually achieves the desired functional and aesthetic effects. In essence, there are three methods to this surgical procedure:

  • Maxillary orthognathic surgery. Only one of the jaws is operated on.
  • Bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. Both jaws are operated on.
  • Bimaxillary or monomaxillary surgery. It can be accompanied by other aesthetic surgeries. It is used when there is generalized asymmetry.

This last option may be accompanied by nose surgery, eyelid surgery, implants or facial fillings, depending on the case. In general, these are low-risk procedures that rarely create complications.

Asymmetrical faces can also be attractive

There is no scientific evidence that facial exercises affect an asymmetrical face. But it is known with certainty that if the asymmetry is due to muscle weakness or irregularity in muscle tension, there are facial exercises that can help correct this.

Remember that perfect symmetry is not always more aesthetically pleasing. Imperfections can give a face great personality and attractiveness. So it is only worth trying to achieve a change if the anomaly generates negative effects.

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