As You Get Older, You Realize That Some Battles Are Not Worth Fighting

Do not lean backwards for things or people that are not worth fighting for. We should only fight for things that bring joy into our lives, and not things that other people force us to do.
As you get older, you realize that some battles are not worth fighting

As time goes on, we realize that some battles are just not worth fighting. We give up in many conversations, on dreams we had in our youth and even on certain people.

Some battles are not worth fighting

Instead of seeing these facts as losses, we need to see them for what they really are. Things that we put a lot of hope in, but then realize that they are not really worth fighting for.

Experiencing personal growth, maturation, and progress in life as time goes on is like placing the pieces in a more or less perfect puzzle together.

During a certain period of our lives, we find comfort in getting impossible pieces to fit in the wrong places.

Only time and hindsight eventually enable us to see the truth, which is that there are things and people that fit in elsewhere than in our lives.

In the following, we suggest that you reflect on this.

Sometimes it is necessary to lose battles that are not worth fighting

Throughout our youth, a lot of things come our way without us even choosing it. It’s like you’re rafting down a raging river, nervous and full of life.

An example of the youthful mistakes we make is that we fall in love with the first person we see and they burn us off.

Another example is that we make friendships with people only because we see them often. For example, these people may be classmates or friends of other friends. Accepting these people as friends is similar to the situation where you have been served a meal that you end up not liking but eating it anyway so as not to disappoint the person who made the food.

In this phase of our lives, we act in this way because we have only one goal. To be integrated into a society, or in other words, to fit in.

That’s exactly what teens do,

But as we get older, things change. There will come a day when we become selective when we choose friends or which battles we want to fight – very selective. In other words, we know exactly what we want and who we do not want in our lives.


Quality over quantity

Eventually, the day arrives when we have a few true friends instead of many false friends.

We take a look back as we deal with our emotions. However, the right thing to do is to take a look at what your heart is telling you as it helps you recognize certain things. E.g:

  • We finally realize that there were aspects of life that we thought were very important, but now we have realized that they were not.
  • For example, if you used to appreciate having a successful social life and having a lot of friends, then you now appreciate smaller groups of friends.
  • If you have filled your head with many wild projects, then you are now focusing on only one goal at a time.
  • It is even possible that you fought battles that left pain. For example, you may have wished someone would love you, be recognized by your family, show everyone that you were good enough…
  • But now you give up these fights. This is because you have become wiser. In addition, you must also follow your intuition that tells you not to continue fighting for things that push you further away from your authentic self.

You only need to show one person that you are good enough and that person is you. If some people do not love you, the last thing you need to do is beg for love.

To mature is to experience personal growth

There are battles that are definitely not worth fighting.

Fighting them is like contradicting yourself. Also, it’s like trying to get some people to change their minds or be someone you wish they were.

Woman with horse
  • As we mature, we realize that there are paths we should not take, especially those that others tell us to follow and that go against our own being.
  • Ultimately, personal growth involves the courage to say what we want. And also  what we do not want, without fear of what others will think or say.
  • Initiating our chosen path requires that we sever ties with certain people and end certain connections. This means giving up on what brings us tears and many struggles.

We do this to achieve something more important: dignity.

These types of personal steps are not easy to take. For example, there are still many people who continue to fight impossible battles with things that destroy them and their self-esteem.

How to avoid battles that are not worth fighting

First, it is not easy. Avoiding these personal battlefields requires a great deal of effort.

Unfortunately, we sometimes believe that the worthy choice is to continue to fight for impossible conditions.

For example, we have all had friends that we have hung out with but who have continued to betray us again and again. Other examples are:

  • We tell ourselves that, as a good daughter, niece or cousin, we must give everything to our family.
  • But many of these battles are already lost because they only bring us pain. And because these people are never going to change, even if we believe otherwise.
  • Even though it hurts, it is sometimes best to remove certain people in your life and get out of these “toxic environments” that are destroying our self-esteem. Keep in mind that those who hurt you the most simply do not love you.
Woman with flower

Remember that brave people do not put all their energy into something without getting something in return.

Instead of fighting the battles that are not worth fighting, they are able to fight the battles that are worth fighting in this life : their own happiness and the happiness of their loved ones.

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