Anna Karenina Syndrome: Victims Of Love

In a healthy relationship, one must be aware that we are each complete creatures and that our partner can complement us, but if they leave us, we are not left behind and are incomplete.
Anna Karenina Syndrome: Victims of Love

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote a classic novel in world literature, Anna Karenina, which is a reflection of the most passionate, intense and dangerous love that leads to a tragic end. In this article we will talk about Anna Karenina syndrome.

When we talk about Anna Karenina syndrome, we are not referring to the very dramatic ending of the novel’s female protagonist. Instead, we talk about that obsession, passion, and emotional attachment. An attachment we can experience when we are in love and that can make us do cross-border things.

Today we will discuss the dangers of a passion so great that it can be more harmful than beneficial, and we will explain why obsessive- compulsive disorder can be bad for our health.

It is said that one who has experienced a very passionate love before, continues to long for this feeling, despite the pain the loss triggered. Intense emotions make us feel we are alive, filled with strong emotions, where physical attraction, mutual commitment, and obsession are able to form an attachment where “you and I” come into its own, all intertwined. together.

But there are a number of dangers we need to take into account:

  • Those who suffer a f Anna Karenina syndrome has experienced more than just a “crush”. They actually suffer from what is called “emotional-obsessive disorder”. It is characterized by a certain lack of self-control and with a strong dependence that makes it difficult to see where the boundaries are. One is able to get lost in those one loves, and give up what characterizes oneself, or succumb to submitting to another person, just to have them close to one another.
  • Love does not offer true happiness, but mostly only anguish, as one does not constantly have his beloved by his side, due to mistrust, due to fear of being abandoned, due to fear of infidelity, because one believes the other person does not give as much of himself as one gives to them.
  • Little by little, we lose our self-esteem, ours, our emotional balance. By centering our lives around the other person in such an obsessive way, we can end up losing our own lives, and there can be nothing more destructive than that.

We all know that in the early stages of a love affair, it is normal to feel an intense indescribable passion. But there are a number of things you need to be aware of to avoid being hit by the dangerous Anna Karenina syndrome.

Think about these things:

  • Never look for a partner with the idea that you have to “fill in the gaps” or find your “other half”. Your only purpose in life should not be to find your “better half”. First, we must grow inside and become complete people, balanced and mature, capable of being happy ourselves and at the same time capable of bringing joy to others. Do not look for one to fill your emptiness and cover up your fears. Try to find a relationship that is enriching from both sides.
  • Beware of forming a relationship with a partner that does not allow you freedom, that does not allow you to grow or that causes you to lose your integrity and what characterizes you. To love is to win, to grow, not to lose one’s identity. And being obsessed is never good as it limits our lives. By the time someone else becomes your top priority, you will lose things. You want to put your own hobbies aside, your friends, you even want to replace your own values ​​in life. And all this is not good. Just look at Anna Karenina and her total passion for Count Vronsky. There comes a time when she even pushes her own son away.
  • Never make the mistake of falling in love blindly. Love with your eyes open, with an open heart, love in a conscious way where you are aware of everything you do and at the same time are aware of everything the other person does for you. Does he respect your needs? Does he listen and remember to think of you? Does he let you grow as a person and at the same time help your relationship grow? True love is not being possessed by another. It is the daily joy where both partners know how to solve the problems, where both listen, where both respect their promises, where there is no jealousy or mistrust, or intimidation.

Remember, Anna Karenina syndrome is very common today. So love with an intensity, love with passion, but never in the blind.

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