A Healthy Heart With Oatmeal And Apples

By including foods like oatmeal and green apples in your daily diet, you will quickly get better. But keep in mind that you should also make sure to get exercise daily and avoid stressing yourself.
A healthy heart with oatmeal and apples

Besides being good for your health, oatmeal and apples are pretty versatile. There are countless combinations that you can try to take advantage of their good properties, and most importantly to not get bored and always eat the same old oatmeal!

It is possible that you have forgotten the two most important ingredients that best strengthen your heart on your shopping list: Oatmeal and apples. If you already know about them, you will be amazed to learn about their benefits by incorporating them into your daily diet.

A healthy heart is the alpha and omega of a healthy life, for it provides blood and oxygen to the vital organs throughout your body. Furthermore, the heart is the engine that keeps your whole body going, and our diet is one of those habits that can either help or counteract it – and us.

The food we eat routinely has a direct impact on our heart, especially when we have grown up. In order to strengthen it, it is important that you include the “good fat” in your daily meals. These fats help us keep the bad cholesterol and triglycerides in check.

It is also recommended to avoid ready-made food, especially food that is fried and / or high in sugar or salt. Ingredients like anchovies, nuts, oatmeal and fruit are perfect in a diet when trying to change your habits. In addition, it will help prevent chronic diseases.

a red heart in his hands

How do you strengthen your heart?

If you want to start changing your eating habits today, include oatmeal and apples little by little. These ingredients oxygenate your body and carry nutrients to all your organs. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits these two foods have.

Oatmeal and beta-glucan

Oatmeal, for example, contains a lot of beta-glucan, a group of Beta-D-glucose polysaccharides that come naturally into the cell wall of oatmeal, bacteria and fungi. In addition, they may have different physico-chemical properties depending on their source.

They are therefore excellent for lowering the bad cholesterol. Furthermore, they are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the so-called “good fats” and fiber. These fibers absorb and help remove the toxins in your body.

One apple a day…

In addition to being a tasty fruit, apples are a natural helper to lose weight with. And as if this were not enough, they also help keep the teeth strong and healthy while providing fiber and energy to the body.

Green apples are especially healthy thanks to their high content of potassium. In addition, eating apples helps regulate your heart rate.

Oatmeal + apples = strengthens the heart

The benefits of the green apples and groats are pretty clear. Try to imagine what will happen to your heart if you start eating these two foods. It will be so healthy for your heart!

Both foods contribute only very little sodium to your body and they are especially good for balancing the bad cholesterol. In addition, it helps you feel full.

How to cook porridge with oatmeal and apples

Oatmeal and green apples are very good for your health. Besides being healthy, it is a delicious mix. Let’s look at some options for combining them:


  • 125 ml of water
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal
  • Optional: Ice cream, lemon, cinnamon…


oatmeal with apples
  • First, soak the oatmeal in a glass of water overnight.
  • The apple is cut into small pieces.
  • Oatmeal and the sliced ​​apple come in a blender and blend to a uniform mass.
  • If you want more flavor, you can add pure honey, a little cinnamon or lemon juice depending on your taste.
  • To make it more reminiscent of ice cream, you can add ice cubes while blending it.
  • You can also make it look more like a smoothie if you put the sliced ​​apple in the freezer overnight.

There are many more options for including oatmeal and apples in your daily diet, for you can make it as an oatmeal or get them in your usual pancake batter.

Creativity is the key to being able to use the same ingredients every day. There are many many ways to use groats and green apples every day without getting bored. In short, let your imagination guide you.

Conclusion on oatmeal and apples

Too much cholesterol and triglycerides in the body along with being overweight and poor diet can directly affect your blood circulation. Furthermore, it can make the body more vulnerable to fat in the arteries, which is why you risk a heart attack or other dangerous disorder.

By including foods like oatmeal and green apples in your daily diet, you will quickly get better. But keep in mind that you should also make sure to get exercise daily and avoid stressing yourself.

To sum it up, you can give your whole body a good start to the day and make it work best by using groats and green apples in your daily diet.

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