A Healthy Diet For Diabetics

If you have diabetes and want to lose weight, it is important that you know some of the most essential ingredients in a healthy diet.
A healthy diet for diabetics

If you suffer from diabetes, it is important that you pay close attention to your diet. Therefore, we want to share some tips and tricks for a healthy diet for diabetics. These help reduce the risk of problems with your blood sugar.

The most important things for a healthy diet

First and foremost, a healthy diet is any diet that reduces the risk of disease while still providing you with the necessary nutrients needed for the body to function properly.

Fruit, and exercise equipment

There is no perfect diet. However, the most important thing in a healthy diet is to consume a varied variety of foods, as well as to control the amount of food you consume. In addition, make sure you choose foods that contain the best nutrients you can find.

Therefore, choose foods that are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber, instead of choosing processed foods.

Most of the time, diabetics can eat all the same foods that other people can. Everyone benefits from eating healthy so the whole family can be a part of your healthy diet.

It requires a certain amount of planning. However, it is possible to eat some of your favorite foods while controlling your glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

A healthy diet is a healthy diet, whether you are diabetic or not!

A healthy diet for diabetics

Going on a diet, being careful with your eating habits and exercising are all good things for diabetics. But always make sure to consult your doctor before making any lifestyle changes.

Person who keeps healthy foods

Below we have gathered some tips and tricks for a healthy diet for diabetics who are overweight.

This type of diet can be very essential for obese diabetics, as obesity carries the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular problems.

Earlier we said that diabetics need to pay attention to their diet. This is even more important if they are also overweight.

Therefore, we offer here some different combination options for each meal of the day.


  • Coffee with skim milk
  • Red or green tea
  • Breakfast products without sugar or chocolate
  • Two slices of toasted wholemeal bread with sugar-free jam

Morning snack

  • A piece of fruit
  • A low-fat yogurt
  • A small sugar-free grain bar
  • Two slices of toasted wholemeal bread with turkey breast or cheese


  • Pasta salad with tomato, lettuce, corn, chicken, eggs (without egg yolk) and green leaves. It is important not to use mayonnaise. Try other options such as olive oil, yogurt dressing or soy sauce.
  • Mediterranean salad
  • Tomatoes with oregano and cheese
  • Lentils and vegetables
  • Spinach and chickpeas
  • Peppers stuffed with chicken
  • An infusion-based dessert or a coffee with skim milk
A salad - healthy diet for diabetics

Afternoon meal

  • Coffee, black or with skim milk
  • Lemon or grapefruit juice
  • Red or green tea
  • Four sugar-free biscuits
  • Homemade pudding or low-fat yogurt
  • Homemade biscuits with yogurt, grated lemon and wholemeal flour


  • Salad with tomato, lettuce, boiled eggs (without egg yolks), onions and tuna.
  • Fried vegetables
  • American salad with chopped cabbage and carrots.
  • Cooked or raw green vegetables
  • Scrambled eggs with garlic and shrimp
  • Grilled flatfish, steak or chicken breast
  • Infusion-based dessert

Before bedtime

  • A low-fat yogurt
  • A glass of skim milk

In addition to all these great ideas for a healthy diet for diabetics, you should also try to exercise a little. Long walks, fresh 30-minute walks or dancing will all help you lose weight faster and burn the sugar in your blood.

Remember to take care when using insulin so that you do not lower your blood sugar level too much.

One last thing: it’s a good idea to have some sweet snacks or small bags of sugar in your bag. This way you have a fast sugar source that you can use if your blood sugar gets too low.

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