A Delicious Homemade Recipe For Yoghurt Sauce

A homemade yogurt sauce is a truly versatile sauce that can be eaten with a wide variety of dishes. We encourage you to make one of the following versions at home.
A delicious homemade recipe for yogurt sauce

You can make most of the sauces you find in the supermarket. So today we give you the recipe for a homemade yogurt sauce that is as delicious as it is versatile. It goes well with any dish you can think of.

The benefits of homemade sauces

  • You can customize them with your favorite ingredients.
  • You can use fresh ingredients and cook them just before eating them to preserve the properties of the yogurt.
  • Homemade sauces are cheaper, especially when you only make the amount you need.
  • There are fewer leftovers that can go bad, especially if you use perishable ingredients like yogurt.
  • You can also customize them to fit the people who are going to eat them. Most real yogurts with live cultures or probiotics already contain low levels of lactose, so those who are lactose intolerant have no problems. There are also vegan yogurts on the market.

Homemade yogurt sauce

You can make as many different kinds of yogurt sauce as you can imagine. This is because yogurt is really versatile and mixes well with other ingredients such as herbs, spices and even pickled vegetables. Thus you can get a salty, spicy, sweet and savory / sour sauce. It all depends on the dish you are going to eat it with.

Read more: The yoghurt diet: A healthy path to weight loss

For a lighter sauce, you can add a little water to a natural yogurt.

If you prefer a thicker sauce for dipping, opt for skyr or Greek yogurt. You can add pickled cucumbers, olives and even anchovies. You end up with a more creamy, homemade yogurt sauce.

Use your homemade yogurt sauce

A homemade yogurt sauce has many uses in the kitchen. Let’s see what some of them are.

Starter with yogurt sauce

Dipping for starters

A good yogurt sauce is equivalent to a very thick sauce. It goes well with hummus and guacamole to dip vegetable sticks, toast and pita bread in.

To make this dip, we recommend using a natural Greek yogurt and spices or fresh herbs to taste.


Do you like kebabs, burritos and vegetable snacks? If so, try the Greek tzatziki sauce as it is very suitable for this type of food. In fact, it is one of the most famous yogurt sauces. Its taste will refresh your mouth and add creaminess to your recipes.

Spice sauce

This sauce is for seasoning vegetables, rice, pasta and salads. It is also good as a dressing for steamed vegetables.

Discover more: The amazing benefits of yogurt and lemon mask

Try replacing ready-made salad dressings with this homemade sauce. It will be creamy, lighter, easier to digest and lower on fat than other sauces made with sour cream or cheese.

Salat dressing

Yogurt sauce is suitable for both meat and fish recipes. In fact, they go really well with lamb dishes and simple dishes like grilled chicken breast.

If you are looking for a sauce for fish dishes like salmon or hake, just mix some yogurt with dill, chives and curry or mustard.

Homemade yogurt sauce – the basic recipe

As you can see, there are many types of yogurt sauce. There are still some basic ingredients that an authentic yogurt sauce should contain.

Jars with yogurt sauce

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 250 g of yogurt. You need to use natural yoghurt to make the basic sauce, and above all, make sure that it actually contains live cultures / probiotics and has no sugar. Beware of 0% or low-fat yogurt because they usually have added sweeteners.
  • 1 or 2 tablespoons olive oil (you can use milder vegetable oil if the taste is too strong for you, but always choose cold-pressed unrefined vegetable oil).
  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

Pour all the ingredients into a bowl – first the yoghurt – and then add the oil and lemon juice. Then season it to taste and mix it well with a spoon to an even consistency. Keep it in the refrigerator if you do not want to eat it right away. It lasts a maximum of 24 hours.

Taste it and add any ingredient you like. It will definitely be good!

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