Warning Signs That You Have Colon Problems

There are certain digestive symptoms that can be normal, but can also mean more serious problems, including colon cancer, if nothing is done about them. Learn about them in this article.
Warning signs that you have colon problems

In its advanced stages, colon cancer shows chronic symptoms that include changes in bowel activity and abdominal pain. Here you get warning signs that you have colon problems! Read more in this article.

Here we will tell you about the warning signs of colon problems so you can catch them early and treat them properly.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What You Should Know


Colon problems affect more than a quarter of all people and the number increases.

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is most common in women and is not only associated with diet but also stress, anxiety and fear.

This condition is included in the group called “functional gastrointestinal disorders” where you can also find constipation and indigestion.

These are all characterized by chronic symptoms and often appear when the injury is already quite advanced and severe.

Colon problems can occur in young adults (under 45 years of age). In addition, your daily habits can improve or worsen the situation:

  • For example, foods like leafy vegetables, legumes and plums can actually aggravate the situation.
  • Milk and citrus fruits should also not be consumed excessively.
  • You can say that you should take food that causes flatulence out of your meals, such as cabbage or beans.

On the other hand, foods high in fiber and protein can always help:

  • A good example of a healthy diet is the Mediterranean diet, which contains a lot of fish, olive oil and tomatoes.
  • It is also necessary to drink at least 8 cups of water a day to reduce intestinal irritation, help move food around and avoid constipation.
  • Of course, exercise is also essential to improve bowel activity and reduce stress or anxiety.

Psychological factors can also help to change the digestive movement and sensitivity. Therefore, you are more likely to have bowel problems if you are stressed, nervous, worried, etc.

Some other causes of colon problems are:

  • Severe stomach flu
  • Food allergies
  • Genetic factors
  • Hormonal changes

Symptoms of colon problems

We often associate these signs with other conditions such as indigestion, having eaten a large meal, or just busyness and stressful weekdays.

However, you need to be very careful when these symptoms appear more than once a week and become the rule and not the exception:

Abdominal pains

Woman with abdominal pain

This pain is located in the lower part of your abdomen and the pain feels like cramps in the abdomen. In other words, they are sharp and burdensome.

Abdominal pain begins to be mild and then the intensity increases (moderate and then it becomes very bad).

This symptom tends to last for 2 hours or less and feels better after bowel movements.

The onset of this pain coincides with the feeling of having to go to the toilet or with changes in the frequency of the stool or the consistency of the stool.

It can also be related to the consumption of a particular food.

Problems with bowel movement

These can appear as diarrhea or constipation, or even a combination of the two. You will also have a distended stomach and a lot of air in your stomach.

As a result of these problems, you may have the feeling of an incomplete stool or see mucus in your stool.

Digestive problems

Frequent nausea and vomiting can be several warning signs of colon problems, as well as a burning sensation in your stomach.

Another indicator worth keeping in mind is not feeling full after eating a meal that should make you full.

Warning signs of colon cancer

While colon problems can be treated with a good diet and by reducing stress, you should also rule out more serious diseases like cancer.

Some symptoms of colon cancer are:

Stomach cramps

These are common after eating too much.

However, when they occur for extended periods without other symptoms and with increases in intensity, it can be colon cancer.


Woman who is tired

It is true that it is normal in today’s world to be tired.

But it is a warning sign, no matter how much you sleep or what activity you do during the day, that you are always sluggish, lethargic and sleepy.

Unexplained weight loss

If you are not on a diet and have not changed how you eat but still lose weight, then you should see a doctor.

Losing at least 5% of your body weight in 6 months is a sign that something is not as it should be.

Cancer cells use stored fat to grow, and your immune system burns more calories when it fights something.

Changes in your stool

The appearance of blood or changes in the color, size or shape of the stool is a sign that you should not ignore.

You should also be aware of these changes if you have polyps in your intestines as they can turn into cancer over time.

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