7 Natural Facials For Sunspots

Do not forget to use these remedies at night to avoid aggravating the appearance of sun spots as the remedies that use lemon can be counterproductive in the sun.
7 natural facials for sun spots

In this article we will give you 7 natural facials for sun spots. Sunspots, also known as “Melasma”, are a skin condition that is most common in women because it is related to feminine hormones (estrogen and progesterone). But don’t worry, there are natural treatments for sun spots that can really help you.

In this article we will explain the best natural facials for sun spots.

What are sunspots and what causes them?

Sunspots are caused by an increase in melanin production.

When this pigment, which is responsible for giving the skin color, reaches high levels, it results in “spots” on the epidermis (especially on the face).

Although this problem can affect anyone, it is most common in women of childbearing age and with darker skin.

They appear mainly on the cheek, chin, forehead and upper lip.

Some of the causes of sun spots are as follows:

  • Pregnancy
  • Use of anti-contraceptive medication
  • Excessive exposure to the sun
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Genetic inheritance
  • Certain medical or steroid treatments
  • Complications of the thyroid gland

In some cases, the skin “returns to normal” after birth, by switching to another anti-contraceptive method or reducing the number of hours of exposure to UV rays.

In other cases, it is necessary to turn to a treatment that may or may not be natural.

Homemade facials for sun spots

Once we have identified the cause of Melasma, it is easier to choose the right treatment.

None of the following home remedies that we mention have side effects.

They are applied externally and replace creams or more invasive procedures.

1. Banana Mask


Banana or plantain contains many nutrients… even in the peel!

  • A good way to improve facial health is by rubbing the inside of the peel on your face after bathing.
  • Let it dry for 15 minutes and wash it off with plenty of warm water.

Another option is to prepare a mask:

  • It’s as easy as mashing the banana with a fork and applying it to your face.
  • After 20 minutes, wash it off with water and apply a moisturizer.

2. Lemon and Coriander Mask

The acid in this citrus fruit is great for removing all kinds of skin blemishes. That is why it may be a good option for those of us with sun spots or Melasma.

Coriander also reduces stains caused by this condition. Do not forget to perform this treatment in the evening, as the lemon makes the spots more obvious if it comes in contact with the sun.


  • The juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 handful of cilantro


  • Squeeze the lemon and wash the coriander.
  • Sift the coriander and place the coriander leaves in the blender.
  • Add the lemon juice and mix it together.
  • Apply it on the affected areas of the face that have been previously washed and dried.
  • Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

3. Eggplant Mask

There are various ways to take advantage of this vegetable to achieve healthy skin. For example, you can make a mask.


  • 1 eggplant
  • 4 cups water (1 liter)


  • Wash the eggplant and cut it into quarters.
  • In a saucepan, add water and then cook until the eggplant is soft.
  • Take it off the stove and extract the eggplant entrails to make the pasta.
  • When it is hot or cool, put it on your face.
  • Let it work for 15 minutes and wash it off with the water used to cook the eggplant.

4. Hydrogen peroxide treatment

This item will not be missing in your home. In addition to being suitable for treating wounds or accidents, it also helps reduce the appearance of blemishes on the skin.

Therefore, we can also use it for sunspots. It is very easy:

  • Soften a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide and place it on your face before bed.
  • Do not wash it off.
  • Repeat daily.

5. Grape Mask

Dish with different things

This little fruit has many antioxidants and nutrients that improve the health and appearance of the skin.


  • 10 grapes
  • ½ cup water (125 ml)


  • Wash the grapes and cut them in half, remove the seeds.
  • Place them in the blender and add water.
  • Blend it into a paste form.
  • Wash your face with a neutral soap and apply the mask using circular motions.
  • Let it work for 25 minutes and wash it off with cool water.

6. Milk, lemon and honey mask

To make this mask, it is better to use powdered milk to achieve the right consistency.

Lemon removes stains, honey is a wonderful peel, and milk hydrates the epidermis – which is why they form a fabulous combination.


  • The juice from ½ lemon
  • 2 tablespoons powdered milk (20 g)
  • 4 tablespoons honey (100 g)


  • Press the lemon.
  • Put the milk powder in a bowl and add the juice.
  • Add the honey and mix it to a paste-like consistency.
  • Apply it on the face and let it sit for approx. 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with plenty of water and apply a moisturizer.

7. Carrot and egg mask

This is an excellent way to get the most out of the nutrients found in eggs and the antioxidants in carrots. Repeat this treatment 3 times a week.


  • 1 carrot
  • 2 eggs


  • Peel a squash, grate it and cut it into cubes.
  • Pun it in the blender along with the eggs.
  • Blend well to form a homogeneous paste.
  • Apply it on a clean face using circular motions.
  • Leave it on for half an hour and wash it off with warm water.

Have you already tried facial treatments against sun spots? Or we would highly recommend our facials for sun spots.

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