When You Accept Your Mistakes, No One Can Use Them Against You

If we know and accept our mistakes then no one can use them against us. When we accept them as part of us, they will make us stronger.
Once you accept your mistakes, no one can use them against you

Everyone is wrong. No one on this planet is absolutely perfect. Once you accept your mistakes, no one can use them against you.

Being able to see our own mistakes and accept them will not only help us respect others. But will also prevent others from using our mistakes against us.

Many of us spend half our lives trying to hide our imperfections with clothes or makeup.

We describe these imperfections as “annoying errors.” In fact, they are capable of destroying our self-esteem. But they are nothing but aspects that define us as a person. Which we should accept as soon as possible.

Being a little overweight, having a crooked nose, having breasts that are too small or too big. Or suffering from a male-pattern baldness is not real mistake.

Instead, real mistakes are a lack of understanding and respect, criticism, selfishness or aggression. That is what we should all strive to change about ourselves.

We invite you to reflect on this.

Your mistakes and my mistakes are our strengths

Humans are rational creatures to a certain extent, but we do not recognize that we are also emotional beings.

It may sound dramatic, but we recognize it in our daily lives: There is too little empathy, reciprocity or recognition from others as they also try to protect themselves and satisfy their own needs.

In school, the topic of “Emotional Intelligence” has not yet been properly introduced.

Instead of seeing this approach as a multidimensional aspect that is capable of supporting all subjects. Where teachers are the best role models, it continues to be taught in isolation a few times a week or not at all.

All of this causes us to continue to create insecure children with low self-esteem and teens who see fault in themselves. These imperfections turn into black holes that others intercept and use against them.

This is something complex and difficult and we need to know how to deal with it.

Woman in a glass

The anatomy of self-esteem

When I have low self-esteem, I hope that others with their words and actions will give me what I lack: confidence and security. I also hope they give me compliments and tell me that I’m not as ugly as I think or that they tell me I’m a better person than I think.

  • We must understand that others should not give or take anything away from us. The rest of the world should not fill our gaps or soothe our fears.
  • We must not pass on our own needs to others. Instead, we should be able to build our own beliefs and rationalize what we feel is wrong.
  • If I think freckles on my face are wrong or my slightly crooked nose is awful, others will realize this and at some point, they may use it against me.
  • That said, it is necessary to realize that the true “mistake” in these cases is our low self-esteem. This is because it is able to tell me that I should be shy and lower my gaze because of certain characteristics I have.

Other people will not attack us because of the physical characteristics we consider negative. Instead, they will attack our vulnerability. Therefore, it is crucial that we increase our self-esteem and see our mistakes as advantages.

Woman with a lantern

Mistakes: Advantages that make us special

We are going to repeat what we said before: the real mistake we have is in our heart, which is capable of attacking, humiliating or hurting others.

Our physical appearance, our way of thinking, feeling or living will never be a mistake or something to blame as long as we respect ourselves.

  • The problem with all of this is that we spend too much of our time dealing with our outward appearance. When we should think about what is inside us.
  • We validate our physical appearance based on fashion trends or on what others value as “beautiful”. If we do not fit in, then we exclude ourselves. But this is the wrong thing to do.
  • We will realize how valuable we are only when we accept ourselves.
  • People who are able to see the special feature of their appearance. Which is different from their other characteristics, as an advantage are the happiest people because they are considered authentic.
Woman with red hair - your mistakes

Being too tall, too short, having a birthmark on your cheek, being born with curly and terribly rebellious hair, or having small or very large breasts is not part of your self-esteem.

The beauty of people lies in our variations, our originality. If we all strive to be the same then we destroy our essence and beauty. It’s not worth it.

There are no people with flaws, but there are minds with gaps. Approach your life in a different way and start raising your self-esteem, your way of being, your unique and special beauty.

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