The Reason For Eden Hazard’s Injury In The Right Hip Flexor

The football player, Eden Hazard, has suffered a new injury in his right hip flexor. In this article, we analyze the cause.
The reason for Eden Hazard's injury in the right hip flexion

World-renowned footballer Eden Hazard is making headlines again due to an injury to his right hip. This big muscle has again forced him on the sidelines. He has recently been in the spotlight due to his recurring problems with injuries and fighting form. We analyze Eden Hazard’s injury right here.

However, the new injury does not appear to be related to the previous injuries, but his injury history tells a different story. He has had a total of nine injuries, which has made playing time at Real Madrid extremely limited, and this is the tenth.

Let’s take a look at the latest muscle and joint injuries. What do they mean in relation to Eden Hazard’s injury in the right hip flexors? What are the anatomical consequences?

The reason for Eden Hazard’s injury is due to other problems

Eden Hazard’s most recent injury was a fiber rupture in the left rectus muscle. It is one of the parts of the thigh muscle. It is strong and organized fibers in the space between the hip and the knee that a person uses in sports.

A fiber rupture in the left rectus is not the same for all people. There is greater risk involved in athletes due to the overexertion that happens to training and exhausting seasons of matches and tournaments. There are four degrees of fiber rupture in clinical terms:

  • First degree: No more than 5% of the muscle is affected, and sometimes it is not possible to locate the injury at all with an ultrasound scan.
  • Second degree: The fibers differ by up to 4 cm.
  • Third degree: The fracture is larger than 4 cm and there has been damage to the aponeurosis, which is the layer of fibers that surrounds the muscle tissue. A hematoma is often seen, which is a blood clot that occupies the space and creates a pressure and pain.
  • Fourth degree: This is the most severe form. Here, the fracture is complete all over the muscle, and the hematoma reaches a marked size. It is disabling and requires surgery.

We do not know the extent of Eden Hazard’s thigh injury. But he has injured his thigh again despite having followed a rehabilitation course. Now we will describe the hip flexor.

Man stays on thigh

What is the hip flexor? Where does it sit?

The hip flexor is actually part of a larger muscle group called the iliopsoas. This fiber mass extends from the diaphragm and spine at the top to the pelvis and femur below, and is thus responsible for bends in the hip.

It is therefore best to describe each section separately, keeping in mind that Hazard is injured in the hip flexor:

  • The muscle group attaches to the iliac crest, touches the sacrum, covers parts of the iliac fossa and forms the iliolumbar ligament. It exits from there from the pelvis through the curular arch, under the inguinal ligament and reaches the femur.
  • The hip flexor starts at the last thoracic vertebra and lumbar vertebra, where it attaches to the spine,  and goes from there down to the iliac fossa, where it joins the muscle group we described above.

It is easy to think of the interactions that the iliopsoas has with other of the body’s structures when analyzing its size. It connects to the organs of the abdominal cavity and with a wide range of nerves and plexuses, which emit sensory information.

The connection to the central nervous system has led to techniques and meditation in traditional medicine. They should stimulate a channeling of energy between the organs of the abdominal cavity, the urinary system and the vital balance. However, these are anecdotal features that are based on the importance of muscle for posture.

The actual function of the hip flexor is:

  • To help us walk on two legs, unlike other animals.
  • To support the normal curve of the spine, which is especially the one that advances in the lumbar region.
  • To stabilize the sacrum so that it does not lose its central axis.

Could Hazard’s recent injuries have a connection?

One can well imagine that the reason for Eden Hazard’s injury in the hip flexor is also due to overload. The possibility of muscle fatigue or repeated minor injuries was considered at his most recent injury, so it would not be surprising that the new injury has the same origin.

However, the injuries have occurred on separate sides. The injury to the thigh muscle occurred on the left side, while the injury to the hip flexor is on the right side. However, this does not mean that they can not stick together. The body tends to compensate with a greater effort on the healthy side when there is the problem on the opposite side.

One hypothesis is that an injury to the left side may have caused the right side to become overloaded by compensating during training and rehab. The extra tensions and physical manifestations have certainly increased the sensitivity.

However, this is pure speculation. The only thing we know is that Eden Hazard’s injury in the right hip flexors means he’s not going to play. Again, calm is the normal form of treatment along with anti-inflammatory medication and a rehabilitation with kinesiology and physiotherapy.

Doctor treats man's legs as symbol of Eden Hazard's injury

Can an injury to the hip flexor, such as Eden Hazard’s injury, be avoided?

One can avoid an overload of the hip flexor, which the Eden Hazard probably got, by training well and using correct movements. It can also be avoided by adjusting the number of workouts and by giving the muscle fibers a break.

Sometimes there are signs that warn that something is about to happen. It can be a slight pain in the thigh or lumbar region, as well as extreme fatigue in the legs of athletes who otherwise do not get tired so easily.

In these cases, experts recommend the following:

  • Reduce the intensity of the workout.
  • Perform specific stretching exercises for the muscle and more often than usual.
  • Massage the lower back and pelvic region, from the top down, and towards the groin.

It is not always possible to protect yourself, and then there is nothing to do but stay calm and go to a specialist who can help you with the healing. It is possible, but it requires patience.

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