Vitamin E: Foods Rich In This Vitamin

Vitamin E is very important for the health of the body. It is easy to incorporate foods rich in this vitamin as long as one is aware of it.
Vitamin E: Foods rich in this vitamin

Vitamin E is important for keeping your body healthy. Eating 60 grams of sunflower seeds is enough to achieve 90% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin. Discover more foods rich in vitamin E in this article!

Having a balanced diet rich in vitamins is essential to keeping your body healthy. One of the most important vitamins that you should not forget is vitamin E. It is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties that helps the body neutralize the subsequent oxidative effects of fats.

Current studies indicate how important this vitamin is in protecting the body from being damaged by free radicals. Stopping these radicals is one of the keys to reducing the risk of chronic diseases and aging. In addition, this fat-soluble vitamin is also an important element in the overall maintenance of the immune system.

Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E.

Different vitamins

Many of the foods we eat contain a lot of vitamin E, but nuts stand out among them.

For example, 30 grams of almonds contain 7.4 mg of this vitamin. Almond oil and almond milk also contain this vitamin. In addition, hazelnuts are the perfect snack after a long day of work, because you can get approx. 20% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin E from 30 grams.

In addition, pine nuts are also a rich source of this vitamin. A portion of pine nuts contains approx. 2.6 mg of vitamin E. Plant milk, like almond milk, is also rich in this vitamin.

Here are other seeds that are rich in vitamin E:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame seeds

In fact, just 30 grams of sunflower seeds gives approx. 90.5% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin .


Spinach is rich in vitamin E.

Swiss chard and spinach are both foods with several vitamins and benefits.

Swiss chard is one of the healthiest vegetables. In addition to being rich in this vitamin, it also contains other vitamins such as K, A and C. Mustard leaves are also very rich in nutrients and provide:

  • Vitamin K : This vitamin plays a role in coagulation processes. It performs its function in the liver, where it produces necessary coagulation factors.
  • Vitamin A plays a role in the formation and maintenance of teeth, soft and woven fabric and membranes and keeps vision in good condition, among other functions.
  • Folic acid is needed for the maturation of structural proteins and hemoglobin. It is also important for the nervous system and cognitive processes.
  • Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of body tissues.

Spinach is rich in calcium and folic acid and also contains a lot of this vitamin. We recommend that you add fresh spinach to your sandwiches to make them extra healthy.

Vegetable fats

Vegetable fats

Finally, vegetable oils are rich in this vitamin due to their fat-soluble nature.

Seed oils are very good sources of vitamin E, especially wheat germ oil. In fact, a tablespoon of this oil contains 100% of the recommended dietary supplement for this vitamin. Sunflower oil is another excellent choice because it provides more than 5 mg of vitamin E and can be used for cooking.

As you can see, vitamin E is easy to incorporate into your diet in many ways.

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