How To Stop Scolding Your Children

The first thing you should do to avoid scolding is to recognize that you may have a control problem. If not, you recognize it from the start, it is very likely that the problem will not be solved.
How to stop scolding your children
Can’t you stop scolding your children? Sometimes, because of our great responsibilities and many tasks, we lose our composure towards our children.
However, they should never be held responsible for our frustrations.
Tired girl
Scolding can lead to low self-esteem. On the other hand, they can become more reactive and defensive.
They learn to copy what they see and will then react in the same way. Thereby, the negative character traits build up, such as. not to listen to others.
So how do you stop scolding?

Be aware of the situations where you lose control so you can avoid scolding

The first thing you should do to avoid scolding is to recognize that you may have a control problem. If not, you recognize it from the start, it is very likely that the problem will not be solved.

Sometimes we do not want to face the realities. However, our actions have consequences for others than ourselves. It ends up going beyond the little ones, who are not to blame for the situation getting out of control.

Woman holds her ears

The first step is to analyze the times you have lost control and shouted at your children.

This will help you to see a pattern. For example, you may always scold when you come home after a long day at work or when you have been in an argument with your partner.

When you become aware of this, it will not only help you to better self-control, but also to solve the problems that tend to provoke your temper.

So both we and the children can benefit from this lesson.

Most important of all; stop blaming yourself, because it is normal that you may have difficulty controlling your temper after a very stressful situation at work or an argument where the emotions have been boiling.

It’s never too late to realize this and start behaving better, so let’s get started!

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Be careful with expectations

Expectations tend to tease us, especially if we expect others to behave as we think they should.

This is a very common situation regarding children. We assume that children already know completely obvious things. However, this is not always the case.

Woman sitting in bed

An example might be that your child throws a glass on the floor because he or she wants to see what happens to the glass without knowing the consequences of this action. In such a case, you would scold your child for something it did not know was wrong.

Young children still do not know the many, very basic, unwritten rules that govern this world, and often they learn them through scolding.

All of this can have serious consequences as children can become oppressed, insecure and anxious.

Think before you react. Sometimes it is necessary to take a step back before you react to the little things. We need to bring peace and serenity back into our lives.

Our expectations prevent us from seeing the realities and cause us to be unfair to our children.

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Think before you act and breathe.

As mentioned earlier, we do not have to react immediately in the situations that tend to provoke us causing our emotions to explode unexpectedly and aggressively.

It is better to take a few minutes for yourself. Leave the room where the baby is, if necessary, and get some air. Breathe, fall down and observe the situation as objectively as possible.

When emotions take over, we tend not to think sensibly. Instead, we feel, shout, and express things uncontrollably, unable to control what we do or say.

If you give yourself time, you will discover many things that you may not have been aware of at all.

Avoid scolding happy boy

It may be that you realize that you have high and unrealistic expectations, that your child did not know what was right and wrong, or that your anger is not due to the current situation but is built on past events.

If we shout at our children, we are setting a bad example. If we take up the challenge, it is something that can be solved without problems.

We only need a little willpower and a desire to change our attitude because we know it can have serious consequences for the little ones.

They are not to blame for the problems we face on a daily basis.

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