7 Aids To Remove Calluses And Corns On The Feet

How can it be that our feet get so little attention when they are such a fundamental part of the body? Carrying our entire body weight and, helping us get from one place to another, does not deserve a little more care? Just as you care for the skin on your face, you should do the same with your feet, otherwise signs of neglect and injury will begin to appear.
7 aids to remove calluses and corns on the feet

In today’s article we will give you some aids that you can use at home to remove calluses and corns on the feet. Not only will your feet be more beautiful to look at, it will also reduce soreness and pain.

Why does hard skin form on the feet?

After a long day, your feet can be very tired. Walking in high heels, without socks, in a dry environment, lack of exfoliation, wearing too tight shoes for too many hours, sweating… all these factors can cause foot problems.

Hard skin and corns can occur in various places on the feet, but especially on the heel, on the side of the big toe or little toe, or on top of the toes. At first it’s just a little annoying, but if you do nothing about it, then it’s starting to get more and more painful.

If you have ever struggled with corns, then you already know that they can be unbearable – prevent you from being able to wear shoes at all, cause pain for an entire day… And this is reflected in your mood, your productivity in the workplace and even in your personality.

Preventive measures

If you have never had corns (what a luck!) Then it is important that you start with some preventative measures. For example, remember to moisten your feet every time you have taken a bath. And once a week, massage a few drops of olive oil or some Vaseline on the feet to give a deep moisturizing. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes that are not too tight or loose. If they are new, use bandages on the places where you usually get blisters or calluses, and initially avoid using them for a long time at a time.

The corns

It is also a good idea to take off your shoes and socks when you get home from work, and put your feet in a bowl of warm water and herbs, for example chamomile. This will make them more relaxed (and the scent of herbs will also make you feel more comfortable).

If you already have hard skin on your feet, then it’s time for you to become good friends with the infamous pumice stone, but remember to be careful and stop scrubbing before it becomes painful. Try using it after you have been in the shower when the skin on your feet is softer. You can also use a file to remove hard parts on your heel, sole of the foot and toes. But do it for no more than three minutes and always apply a moisturizer afterwards. From now on, remember to wear comfortable shoes and be aware of any symptoms of discomfort or pain.

Aids against calluses and corns

The corns can be very deep and painful when you step on them. Pay attention to these aids if you want to get rid of your corns:


  • 1/2 onion


Cut an onion in half and scrub with the raw onion on the affected area of ​​the foot. Repeat the procedure every night before going to bed. It is not necessary to clean your feet,  just let the onion juice soak into the skin. Put on socks and go to bed. Onions are healing and anti-inflammatory.

Healthy feet


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (15ml)


Mash the garlic with the olive oil and cover the surface of the corn. Apply bandage or cloth on top of the corn and let it sit overnight. Wipe it off in the morning without cleaning the area. Repeat this daily until the problem is resolved.


  • 1 handful of nettles and flowers
  • 1 tablespoon water (15ml)


Growing stinging nettles at home is a good idea. Take a handful of stems and flowers and blend them with some water. You will get a kind of paste that you can apply directly to the corn. Cover with gauze or a cloth for at least three hours before removing it.


  • 1 handful of marigold flowers and leaves
  • 1 tablespoon water (15 ml)


The procedure is the same as with stinging nettles. Apply every night before bedtime.


  • 1 fig


This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties and at the same time it is refreshing and relieving. Cut the figs in half, remove the pulp, and apply directly to the hard skin or corn before bedtime. Cover with a bandage and use socks to ensure that you do not soil the sheet. Let it sit overnight and bathe your feet in warm water in the morning. Afterwards use a pumice stone and finally, apply plain moisturizer.


  • 2 tablespoons baking powder (18 g)
  • 1 tablespoon hot water (15 ml)


Make a thick paste using baking soda and water. Apply it to your corns in a circular motion to promote exfoliation. Let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes and remove it with warm water. Then use a pumice stone or file. Do not forget to moisten your feet.

Foot massage


  • 4 tablespoons chamomile (60 ml)
  • 1 liter of boiling water


Make chamomile tea. Let it cool for a few minutes and bathe your feet in a bowl of the liquid, but be careful not to burn your feet. This will soften your hard skin and make it easier to remove with a pumice stone. Even if we keep repeating it, it is important that you always use a moisturizer when you have finished a treatment.

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