What Are Probiotics And How Do You Get Them?

Probiotics are basically “good” bacteria and yeasts that pass through the gastrointestinal tract to the colon and small intestine.
What are probiotics and how do you get them?

You have probably heard countless times about the importance of protecting and “nourishing” your bacterial intestinal flora in order to have good health. But do you know what probiotics are and what they are used for?

The living bacterial cultures have become one of the best ways to prevent pathogens from multiplying. Pathogens can affect the health of your intestines, and your entire immune system.

In fact, probiotics play an important role in the interaction between various necessary nutrients, as well as in the maintenance of a healthy digestion. In addition  , they form a protective barrier against infections, and reduce certain inflammatory processes.

Although they are found naturally in the body, the bacteria can also be found in certain fermented foods or dairy products, as well as as dietary supplements. Do you know their good qualities? Read on to find out everything you need to know.

What are probiotics?

The word “probiotics” has recently become very popular, due to its “boom” as an addition to the normal diet. The word means directly translated “for life”, which is precisely because of the benefit it gives your health.

Probiotics are healthy bacteria

Probiotics are basically “good” bacteria and yeasts that pass through the gastrointestinal tract to the colon and small intestine. Although many people associate bacteria with disease,  their function is the exact opposite.

Since they help prevent infectious microorganisms from multiplying too much,  these bacteria are the key to preventing the development of many diseases. The most common ones that are good for humans are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria .

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What are the benefits of probiotics?

Your gastrointestinal tract houses about 400 different bacteria, which come from the intestinal flora, or biota. Their most important function is to protect the body from the proliferation of pathogens, and this is important for many things.

Probiotics also regulate the division of epithelial cells and enable some metabolic processes as well as the production of vitamins. That is why  it is important to have a healthy intestinal flora.

Probiotics are the main source of these living cultures, and the best way to rebuild the gut flora once it has been altered. it may be due to infections, illness, or use of antibiotics. So what does it do good for?

  • Regulates your immune system response in the intestinal system, and  reduces your risk of food allergies.
  • Generates energy through their ability to ferment indigestible carbohydrates, and improve the uptake of monosaccharides.
  • Increases your absorption of water and minerals in the colon.
  • Optimizes metabolism and prevents obesity and diabetes.
  • Fights several diseases of the digestive system (diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease).
  • Stimulates stool and prevents constipation.
  • Treats vaginal and urinary tract infections.
  • Reduces the bad cholesterol and the amount of triglycerides.
  • Protects the health of your mouth from viruses and bacteria.
  • Overall improves your health and mood.
Enjoy probiotics

Where can you get probiotics?

Now that you know what these gut bacteria do good for, it’s nice to know what things can get it into your diet. Let us first look at some natural sources, and then at the so-called biotherapeutic probiotics.

Natural probiotics

This type is obtained through foods that have undergone a fermentation process,  which means that certain bacteria have changed the original composition of the food. This makes the food more easily digestible, and with a higher concentrate of nutrients.

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The most popular sources are:

  • Kefir
  • Natural yogurt
  • Kombucha
  • Bread dough
  • Pickles
  • Tempeh
  • Sauerkraut / sauerkraut
  • kimchi
  • Miso soup

Biotherapeutic probiotics

probiotics as supplements

Not all people get enough probiotics through their diet. Considering their importance to health, it is a really good idea to take it as a dietary supplement.

Since many want to benefit from probiotics, supplements are available both as capsules, jellies, powders, and other forms. These contain large amounts of microorganisms of several kinds of bacteria.

Some supplements are rich in probiotics, which are what strengthen the growth of good bacteria. In many cases, these supplements are more effective than the equivalent found in regular foods.

To make a long story short

Probiotics are a good supplement for people who have developed digestive problems, due to changes in the pH of the intestines. Getting it through food or supplements  is the best way to strengthen and protect the good bacteria that fight disease. Now that you know what probiotics are, you can start taking them and improve your health.

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