6 Tips To Make Your Eyes Look Bigger

One of the most common makeup tips is to focus on only a single area of ​​your face. If you want your eyes as the focal point, remember not to make too much out of your lips.
6 tips to make your eyes look bigger

Fatigue, dark circles under your eyes or even the wrinkles you can see under the edge of your eyes are surely your biggest enemy when it comes to beautiful, attractive eyes. It gets even worse if you have small eyes at the same time. In this article, we will give you 6 tips to make your eyes look bigger.

What can we do? You can apply simple make up tips and natural treatments to make your eyes look bigger. In addition, we will teach you how to take care of this part of your face so that you look much healthier. Do you want to read along?

How to cover dark bags

Woman holding a spoon under her eye

The skin we have under the eyes is extremely thin and delicate. When we do not sleep well, when we are tired or when we have a health problem, there is an accumulation of water, waste products and fat which can be seen. It is very annoying to get up in the morning and see these dark or purple circles which are difficult to correct.

Many women resort to make up in this case. Is that a good idea? It is a good resource, but there is no solution. It is always best to try a home recipe first. That way we avoid an excessively large collection of make up. Here are some natural recipes you can use to make your eyes look bigger:

Cold spoon treatment and chamomile treatment

It’s super easy. When you wake up and discover the annoying dark circles in the mirror, take two small teaspoons and put them in the freezer. Then go out and prepare an infusion of chamomile: 150 ml of water and 2 bags of chamomile. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat and let it stand for a while.

The next step? After 15 minutes, you can take the spoons out of the freezer and place them on your dark edges for at least 30 seconds. Then you can remove them and put a cotton ball dipped in chamomile under your eyes. It’s super simple: it’s just about switching from the cold spoon to the chamomile treatment. This cold-warm treatment will reactivate the circulation and relieve the swelling under your eyes. It is extremely effective.

2. Define your eyebrows

Woman defining her eyebrows

To have eyes that look bigger, it is also necessary that you take care of the shape of your eyebrows. These frame your eyes and can give us a very elegant look. As you already know, having thick eyebrows at the moment is very fashionable, but that does not mean we should not take care of them.

3. The importance of eye shadow

Woman with eye shadow

Look at the picture above. They have used 2 or 3 different colors to make the eyes bigger. The secret behind this beautiful effect is to apply bright colors in the area under the eyebrow. A nude color is very flattering as it gives range to the area and the whole look.

After this, we apply a color that is a little darker to the outer corner of the eye, and shape it at an upward angle, just as you can see in the picture. On the eyelid area, a nude eye shadow is also used, but one that shines more. This cove provide light for your look.

4. White eyeliner for the inner eye

Woman who defines her eye - get your eyes

It never disappoints. Apply a white eyeliner on the inner eye line and this is the best trick you can apply in your daily routine to get bigger eyes. It gives an extremely attractive look, whether the rest of your make up suits day or night. Make sure the white eyeliner is never missing in your make up kit!

5. To get longer and thicker eyelashes

Woman with long eyelashes - get your eyes

Longer and thicker eyelashes can also make your eyes look bigger. How do you do it? You apply appropriate make up and apply some simple tricks.

Treatment with castor oil

Every night you should apply this simple castor oil treatment. Take a cotton ball and drip two drops of castor oil on it and then moisten your eyelashes with it, via a small massage. If you want, you can combine it with olive or almond oil, which also gives good results. It increases growth and provides care for your eyelashes.

Makeup tips for thicker eyelashes

Mascara is essential for making your eyes look bigger. Always apply it upwards, starting from the root. Be sure to separate each lash well. Once you have applied a thin layer, you can sprinkle a little talcum powder on. This trick gives your eyelashes more vigor, beauty and thickness. Then you can apply another layer of mascara.

Next step? The black eyeliner. Remember that it is always better to use a liquid liner than a pencil. When you are ready to apply it, do the following: draw a line that is a little thicker at the base of the eyelid and with a thicker line to lengthen the corners of the eye. You will get an alluring and amazing result.

6. Subtle lips that beautify your look

Woman with makeup - get your eyes

To conclude: Always remember that in order to make your eyes look more attractive, you need to make sure that your lipstick is subtle and discreet. That way, the attention goes to your eyes. Choose a soft tone – a pink or a nude. They give an attractive finish and in this way make your eyes look bigger.

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