Exercise Self-love And You Will Be Loved

Making the mistake of measuring one’s worth by how much one loves others can often lead to great disappointment.
Exercise self-love and you will be loved

This means that if one has received false love based on suffering and manipulation, then one will end up believing that one does not deserve to be loved. These are very complex and destructive situations that no one has been prepared for. In fact, it is strange that you teach your children where the capitals of the world are, but you do not teach them to exercise self-love. Therefore, this article will be about self-love. We will talk more specifically about how to practice self-love often and how to teach the same techniques to children.

Exercise self-love and love yourself, for no one deserves as much attention in your life as you do

Society often teaches us about an ability that can end up being a two-sided sword: self-love. Loving the image in the mirror is sometimes considered selfish.

You are taught to be grateful, to let people walk out of a door before you even walk in, to help your neighbor and to give everything to the people you love…

It is true that all of these are honorable acts that one should not stop performing. However, one should also teach oneself about integrity, self-love and self-worth.

Do not judge yourself by what you receive

Imagine that a child was bullied at school. Then imagine that this child is always alone at home. She does not receive the necessary amount of love and attention from her parents.

Then imagine the same child as an adult. Think of her struggles to maintain happy, mature, and enriching relationships. If she does not achieve this, she will surely end up believing that she is someone who does not deserve to be loved.


While it may sound harsh, many people have this kind of experience.

  • One should not judge one’s value by what one receives.
  • One should love oneself every day as one deserves it. And one should not wait for others to give one what one has been waiting for.
  • One should not seek constant recognition of one’s actions and thoughts. But is one’s own judge. It is true that one is the person who should put life, support and effort into every action that one wants to perform.
  • If one’s childhood or young years were not happy times in one’s life, one should try to separate the past from the future. One already knows what it means to grow up without some kind of healthy, stable and devoted love, so one should leave it in the past.
  • One should heal his wounds by exercising self-love. It is done by caring for oneself and protecting oneself from the things that can hurt one. But it also means following new paths that lead to a hope of getting better one day.

Attract what you deserve.

You deserve a lot more than what some people give

Sometimes we simply do not give up on people. Despite not being completely happy with certain conditions, we say to ourselves, “this is life. I will not be able to find anything better. This is better than being alone. ”

  • Whether we like it or not, emotional stagnation is linked to this absolute and indefinable disorder that destroys our self-esteem.

Unfortunately, we get used to this emptiness, the regrets, the contempt and even the grief. This is dangerous because we lose everything when self-abandonment enters our lives.


You deserve a lot more than what some people give you. Even if you believe it or not, then this is because there are some people who do not know how to love others. And they do not understand what reciprocity is. These are two pillars of sincere love.

This type of person does not worry about making an effort to bring smiles and does not shed tears in the relationship.

  • One should not commit to this type of relationship. Love should bring joy and not sorrow. Be brave and walk away from the suffering that you have experienced so that you can get your honor back.
  • Honesty means that you find a connection between what you deserve, what you feel and what you do in your daily life. In other words, it is a balance between the mind, the heart and the actions.
  • Really love yourself as you deserve to be loved. Even if you have to be alone for some time. This option will always be better than living with an illegitimate friend who hurts one.

You are a wonderful person who deserves the best in life. Fight for it. Fight for yourself and fight for the people you love.

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